Recommendations for Anime Series Similar to Pluto

The sci-fi mystery anime Pluto, created by Naoki Urasawa, has received widespread critical praise for its thought-provoking exploration of identity and humanity. Its dark atmosphere, morally complex characters, and intricate themes have captivated audiences, leaving many yearning for similar anime experiences.

If you are searching for anime series that present thought-provoking narratives about the essence of humanity, there are similar shows to Pluto available. These anime also delve into themes of apocalyptic worlds, intricate enigmas, and the potential dangers of technology on one’s sense of self, blurring the boundary between human and machine.

Please note: This article contains the writer’s personal opinion and is not listed in any particular order.

10 Recommended Anime for Fans of Pluto

1. Psychological Analysis

Psycho-Pass (Image via Production I.G)
Psycho-Pass (Image via Production I.G)

In a dystopian future, individuals’ criminal tendencies are measured through a “Psycho-Pass”and this concept is explored in the series Psycho-Pass. As rookie inspector Akane Tsunemori uncovers the unsettling reality behind the Sibyl system, which determines an individual’s criminality, she starts to question the concept of justice in a seemingly flawless society.

For fans, Psycho-Pass is a must-watch due to its gritty visuals, cerebral plot, and thought-provoking themes. Like Pluto, the anime delves into society’s expectations of behavior and the essence of humanity. If you were captivated by Pluto’s exploration of moral ambiguity, you will surely be intrigued by the ethical dilemmas that the characters in Psycho-Pass face.

2. Texhnolyze

Texhnolyze (Image via Madhouse)
Texhnolyze (Image via Madhouse)

In the underground metropolis of Lux, Ichise, a champion fighter, receives a cybernetic limb to replace his lost arm and leg. This technological upgrade leads him to uncover the rival factions within Lux and the true intentions behind the emergence of a new type of Texhnolyzed individuals.

Texhnolyze, with its gritty dystopian setting, minimalistic style and brooding pace, is frequently likened to renowned science fiction movies such as Blade Runner. Similarly to Pluto, Texhnolyze delves deeply into themes of transhumanism and the effects of technology on society.

Both anime make you contemplate the boundary between humanity and artificial intelligence.

3. Television Show: Serial Experiments Lain

Serial Experiments Lain (Image via Triangle Staff)
Serial Experiments Lain (Image via Triangle Staff)

When a teenager takes her own life, her peers are sent a strange email from her, leading to speculation that she has somehow been reincarnated within the digital realm of the Wired. The series Serial Experiments Lain chronicles the journey of the introverted Lain as she navigates the depths of the network and eventually encounters her elusive double.

Drawing upon elements of philosophy, psychology, and the history of computers, Lain can be regarded as the anime equivalent of The Matrix. Its unconventional animation techniques effectively cultivate a growing sense of unease, as the ever-advancing technology threatens to consume Lain’s very sense of self.

Similar to Pluto, Lain will make you contemplate existential quandaries surrounding existence, self, interactions, and human relationships.

Ergo Proxy

Ergo Proxy (Image via Manglobe)
Ergo Proxy (Image via Manglobe)

Despite the apocalypse, humans and “autoreivs”(androids) coexist in a futuristic domed city governed by artificial intelligence. However, a recent string of autoreiv murders prompts a young inspector to challenge the strict social hierarchy and embark on a search for the elusive “awakened ones”outside the city.

Ergo Proxy is characterized by a cyberpunk aesthetic and a dark tone, creating a haunting, gothic atmosphere within its visually striking post-apocalyptic world. Similar to Pluto, its greatest strength lies in its utilization of science fiction elements to explore deep philosophical themes such as self-identity and humanity’s propensity for self-destruction.

Both anime prompt you to reflect on human nature at its highest and lowest points.

5. Ghost in the Shell

Ghost in the Shell (Image via Production I.G)
Ghost in the Shell (Image via Production I.G)

In the movie Ghost in the Shell, set in a futuristic cyberpunk world, Motoko Kusanagi, a highly skilled government agent with cybernetic enhancements, pursues the elusive master hacker known as the Puppet Master. This film is renowned for its groundbreaking combination of traditional hand-drawn animation and CGI, which has set a precedent for the fusion of digital and cell animation.

Ghost in the Shell is a renowned anime masterpiece, known for its thought-provoking storyline, tech noir style, and exploration of transhumanism. Similar to Pluto, the anime successfully delves into philosophical inquiries about the essence of human identity and consciousness by utilizing science fiction elements.

Both anime explore dystopian worlds that vividly depict the growing impact of technology on society.

6. Monster

Monster (Image via Madhouse)
Monster (Image via Madhouse)

Despite the potential consequences to his career, renowned Japanese neurosurgeon Kenzo Tenma risks everything by choosing to save the life of a young boy at a hospital, instead of the town’s mayor. However, years later, a series of mysterious murders take place and all signs seem to point to the very same boy that Tenma had once saved.

Monster, with its raw realism, expertly crafted characters, and complex plot, is a captivating psychological thriller masterpiece. Despite having a distinct animation style, the themes explored in Monster strongly resonate with fans of Pluto.

Both anime at their core, delve into the themes of morality and consequences through the dynamic between a creator and their creation.

7. Wolf’s Rain

Wolf's Rain (Image via Bones)
Wolf’s Rain (Image via Bones)

Wolf’s Rain takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where wolves are believed to be extinct by humans. The story follows four wolves who can take on human form as they embark on a journey to find a fabled paradise. Along the way, they become entangled in a complex scheme involving the Nobles, who secretly control society.

The melancholic soundtrack in Wolf’s Rain complements its poetic storytelling. Despite having a different plot and animation style, the series shares Pluto’s skillful exploration of weighty themes such as environmental preservation and personal growth.

Both anime effectively convey a sense of emotion by exploring the concept of identity within societies on the brink of humanity’s downfall.

TV Show Recommendation: Paranoia Agent

Paranoia Agent (Image via Madhouse)
Paranoia Agent (Image via Madhouse)

Two detectives attempt to locate the elusive attacker known as Lil “Slugger”in Satoshi Kon’s Paranoia Agent, as he begins to assault innocent individuals with a baseball bat. The victims are targeted by an elementary school boy.

With its signature blend of atmospheric realism and mind-bending storytelling, Paranoia Agent delves into the psychological impact of societal expectations and the desire for escapism in contemporary Japan. Similar to Pluto, the series effectively creates a sense of impending danger as the boundaries between fantasy and reality become increasingly blurred.

Each anime delves into intricate puzzles that will keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you unsettled long after the ending.

9. Dorohedoro

Dorohedoro (Image via MAPPA)
Dorohedoro (Image via MAPPA)

Amidst a dystopian world filled with magic and disorder, Caiman, who suffers from amnesia, dedicates himself to tracking down sorcerers in the hopes of finding one who can reverse the reptilian transformation inflicted upon his head by a sadistic sorcerer. With the help of his friend Nikaido, he manages to flee to the Hole, a sanctuary where magic holds no power. However, he soon becomes entangled in the Hole’s ongoing battle against Wizards who constantly test the boundaries of illegal magic within its borders.

Despite its quirky style and intense action scenes, Dorohedoro manages to seamlessly blend serious themes of identity and humanity, resulting in a captivating and thought-provoking viewing experience.

Despite their contrasting styles and storylines, Dorohedoro and Pluto both possess the ability to convey meaningful messages without sacrificing their entertainment factor.

10. Casshern Sins

Casshern Sins (Image via Tatsunoko Production)
Casshern Sins (Image via Tatsunoko Production)

Despite humanity’s destruction of the planet, a post-apocalyptic world is now ruled by robots and the android Casshern awakens with no memory, only aware that he is responsible for the world’s downfall.

Casshern embarks on a journey through the barren landscape in an attempt to unravel his past and the cause of humanity’s downfall. Along the way, he comes face to face with malfunctioning robots, referred to as Ruin, and must confront his own involvement in the apocalypse.

Despite its somber and desolate feel and exploration of weighty philosophical topics such as mortality and purpose, Casshern Sins shares many key strengths with Pluto. Both works convey powerful reflections on the unpredictable nature of humanity through their flawed but optimistic main characters who grapple with the purpose of their existence in a world on the brink of destruction.


The intricate and thought-provoking storylines of the mentioned anime are sure to attract Pluto enthusiasts in search of cerebral and philosophical plots to delve into.

If you are interested in finding additional anime similar to Pluto that explore themes of human identity and morality within captivating science-fiction settings, be sure to add these engaging titles to your list! Their complex storylines centered on the dangers of technology will captivate any viewer seeking intellectually stimulating anime.

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