Recommended Order to Watch Netflix’s Kaleidoscope

There is much about Netflix’s Kaleidoscope that will feel recognizable. As a heist tale, it incorporates the typical components – longstanding grudges, gathering a crew, and smaller tasks that build up to the ultimate job.

However, Kaleidoscope differs from other shows in one aspect – you have the freedom to watch the episodes in any sequence you desire.

In 2018, Netflix had already dabbled in non-linear storytelling with their release of Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, a choose-your-own-adventure movie about a computer programmer.

What is the best order to view “Kaleidoscope”?

The chronological order is highly recommended.

To avoid spoiling the viewing experience, I will provide minimal details about the episodes. If you intend to watch Kaleidoscope in chronological order, the episodes will progress as follows, starting with a flashback of Vernon 24 years prior to the heist.

  • Violet (24 years before the heist)
  • Green (7 years before)
  • Yellow (6 weeks before)
  • Orange (3 weeks before)
  • Blue (5 days before)
  • White (the heist)
  • Red (the morning after)
  • Pink (6 months after)
What is the recommended order to watch “Kaleidoscope”?
Giancarlo Esposito and Paz Vega in Kaleidoscope (2023) | Source: IMDb

Other Ways to Watch

If the math is accurate, there are more than 5,000 potential ways to view the seven episodes of Kaleidoscope without any repetitions, and they can be watched in any sequence (except for the final episode, White). The number of viewing options you choose to try is entirely dependent on your schedule and preferences.

Quentin Tarantino-style Kaleidoscope episodes

According to Netflix, to experience the episodes as if they were one continuous Quentin Tarantino film, one should watch them in the following order:

  • This particular episode takes place five days prior to the heist.
  • The episode known as “Green”took place seven years prior to the heist.
  • This particular episode takes place six weeks prior to the heist.
  • The episode takes place three weeks prior to the heist.
  • “Violet”takes place 24 years prior to the heist.
  • “Pink”takes place six months after the heist.
  • The episode “White”is set during the heist.
  • The episode “Red”takes place the morning following the heist.

II. Kaleidoscope episodes in order as a mystery novel

If you are someone who likes to unravel mysteries, Netflix recommends viewing the episodes in the following sequence:

  • The heist takes place three weeks after “Orange”.
  • The events of “Green”occur seven years prior to the heist.
  • The events of “Violet”occur 24 years prior to the heist.
  • The events of “Red”occur on the morning following the heist.
  • Six weeks prior to the heist, the events of “Yellow”unfold.
  • Five days before the heist, the events of “Blue”occur.
  • “The events of “White”unfold during the heist.”
  • “The events in “Pink”occur six months following the heist.”

III. Kaleidoscope in rainbow order

Upon noticing the use of various colors to convey each episode, you may be motivated to watch them in accordance with the colors of the rainbow.

  • “Red”: The morning after the heist is when this episode takes place.
  • “Orange”: This episode takes place three weeks prior to the heist.
  • The episode titled “Yellow”takes place six weeks prior to the heist.
  • This particular episode took place seven years prior to the robbery.
  • The episode “Blue”takes place five days prior to the heist.
  • The episode titled “Violet”takes place 24 years prior to the heist.
  • The episode titled “Pink”takes place six months following the heist.
  • The episode is set during the heist and is called “White”.

Introduction to Kaleidoscope

Kaleidoscope is a television anthology series created by Eric Garcia, focusing on a group of expert thieves led by Leo Pap (Giancarlo Esposito). The unique aspect of the eight-part series is its non-linear storytelling, as it follows the crew’s attempt to pull off a $7 billion heist. However, their plans are constantly jeopardized by betrayal, greed, and other obstacles.

On January 1, 2023, Netflix released Kaleidoscope.

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