Red Velvet’s Cosmic Music Video Accused of Being a Blatant Copy of Midsommar by Netizens

On June 24, a discussion on the Korean forum ‘theqoo’ about the resemblance between Red Velvet’s “Cosmic”MV and the movie “Midsommar”gained significant traction, with over 600 comments.

Despite the MV being described as being inspired by “Midsommar”, numerous netizens argue that the similarities go beyond mere inspiration and instead consist of a complete replication of multiple elements from the film.

Consequently, a lot of people are of the opinion that Red Velvet’s music video for “Cosmic”bears a strong resemblance to Midsommar, to the extent that it can be considered a complete imitation.

The following are comments from internet users:

  • The movie appears to have been copied and pasted, so it may require some slight modifications.
  • It’s just Midsommar… Why can’t they show some creativity…
  • Is this just a Midsommar cosplay? Whose idea was it?
  • No, this is not considered influence; rather, it is blatant copying.
  • This is not an homage, it is simply a copy-paste. If you refer to it as an homage, you are disregarding your conscience.
  • It’s unfortunate that the song is not complemented well by the inspired scenes. It begs the question of why they chose to include them in the first place, especially since the song itself is quite good.

The source for this information is “theqoo,”which can be found at // and can be accessed by opening the link in a new tab or window.

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