Red Velvet’s Irene Returns to Promote Solo Activities After Attitude Scandal

Despite being a top beauty in K-pop, Red Velvet’s Irene had a bright future ahead of her, with access to abundant resources and numerous opportunities to collaborate with major brands. However, her career took a hit when a fashion editor accused her of exhibiting the “celebrity disease”and verbally abusing staff, leading to setbacks and a pause in her career.

In the last 2 years, Irene has remained a member of Red Velvet, but her personal image has noticeably diminished. She is no longer considered at the height of her career, like other idols from her generation who were once referred to as the “top visual of gen 3.”

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Irene’s reputation has been heavily affected by her attitude scandal.

After a long hiatus due to the shocking attitude scandal, Irene has finally returned to full activities and has even started her solo schedule. Most recently, the female idol held a solo exhibition and released a photo book capturing her daily life, showcasing her enduring beauty. As part of this project, she also unveiled a new song titled “I feel pretty”.

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The female idol recently held a solo photo exhibition.

Additionally, Red Velvet’s YouTube channel has recently resumed posting solo clips of Irene after a brief hiatus. In accordance with SM’s statement, Irene is scheduled to have two comebacks towards the end of the year – one with Red Velvet and a separate solo mini album. Following Seulgi, Wendy, and Joy, Irene will become the fourth member of Red Velvet to release a solo album.

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red velvet irene

Despite the scandal that affected Irene’s reputation 3 years ago, the female idol remains dedicated to her profession and deeply appreciates her fans. She is now being actively promoted to make up for the time when her activities were put on hold, and her loyal fans continue to stand by her, showing unwavering support for Irene.

Origin: K14

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