Reported Issues with Diablo 4’s Status Effect Spark Speculation of a Bug

Poison is a potent status effect in Diablo 4 that is frequently utilized by mobs and bosses to defeat players. However, due to its excessive strength in Season 5, some players have raised concerns that it may be bugged.

The issue of the mechanic being overpowered is not a recent concern, as seen in this post. However, the current problem lies in the fact that players are dying from hidden pools of poison. Even when they attempt to counter it with healing potions, they are still being defeated due to the excessive damage over time.

This poses a significant challenge as the majority of players have encountered these problems while playing Nightmare Dungeons and participating in endgame activities, which are essential for obtaining higher-level gear.

Poison is a status effect that can be extremely frustrating, especially if you run out or are unable to access healing in time. The effects have been particularly severe in Season 5, with one player experiencing consecutive deaths from poison immediately after respawning.

Poison so strong it killed me twice byu/juicerhebatman indiablo4

‘Juicerhebatman’ posted a video on Reddit showing their character dying from poisoning. They respawned only to immediately die again, as the effect had not yet worn off.

To effectively combat poison, many players turn to Elixir of Poison Resistance or gear such as Andariel’s Visage and Hunter’s Zenith, which boosts DoT and poison resistance. However, obtaining these items can be challenging and players continue to face difficulties with poison despite these remedies.

One player shared that they have experienced this issue multiple times during runs in Sirocco Caverns and Guulrahn Canals. They also mentioned that poison seems to inflict significantly more damage compared to other elements, even with full resistance and armor, making it difficult to defeat poison mobs.

As this issue has persisted since the release of Diablo 4, players are convinced that it is either an overlooked problem or a bug that has slipped by the developers. In any case, the community has grown increasingly frustrated with this issue, reaching its peak this season.

“According to another player, the issue of poison damage being bugged or too strong has been present since the game’s release. They claim that whenever they encounter poisonous elements in challenging levels, the game becomes unstable and glitchy.”

If you’re facing the same problem, it is important to ensure that you have the optimal build for your character in this season. There are challenging battles even without poison, and being prepared is crucial for successfully completing endgame tasks.

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