Resolving the Energy Crisis in Escape from Tarkov: A Complete Guide

The Energy Crisis quest in Escape from Tarkov can be quite perplexing. Your objective is to locate and mark three fuel tanker trucks as well as a group of fuel tankers. Without a map, pinpointing these locations becomes challenging, especially on the expansive Lighthouse map. It is advisable to review the tanker locations prior to starting a raid, as navigating back and forth on the Lighthouse can be perilous. Below are all the tanker locations you need to successfully complete the Energy Crisis quest in Escape from Tarkov.

How to Complete Energy Crisis in Escape from Tarkov

Energy Crisis Task
Screenshot by Prima Games

To complete the Energy Crisis quest, you must accomplish the following tasks:

  • Locate and mark the group of fuel tanks using an MS2000 Marker in Lighthouse
  • Locate and mark the first tanker truck using an MS2000 Marker in Lighthouse
  • Locate and mark the second tanker truck using an MS2000 Marker in Lighthouse
  • Locate and mark the third tanker truck using an MS2000 Marker in Lighthouse

Since you need to mark four objectives and only have three equipment slots, one MS2000 Marker will be stored in your rig, pockets, bag, or secure container. Be aware that rogues will shoot at you when you approach the water treatment plant in Lighthouse.

If you are playing as a BEAR PMC, you will find it significantly harder to navigate the map. Conversely, if you are part of the USEC faction, you will generally remain neutral towards the rogues unless you engage them or linger nearby. All fuel tanker trucks require you to traverse through areas occupied by rogues, so it’s crucial to plan your route if you’re at odds with them.

All Fuel Tanker Truck Spawns for Energy Crisis

First Fuel Tanker Truck

First Fuel Tanker Truck
Screenshot by Prima Games

The first fuel tanker truck is found at the main entrance of the water treatment plant, accessible via the main road/bridge. There is a guard tower manned by a rogue; their presence fluctuates, but always be prepared to encounter them. If you are unfriendly, it’s advisable to eliminate the rogues before approaching the truck. Otherwise, you can mark the tanker without issues.

Second Fuel Tanker Truck

Second Fuel Tanker Truck
Screenshot by Prima Games

The second fuel tanker truck is located within the water treatment plant, adjacent to warehouse or building 3. If you are neutral with the rogues, approaching is straightforward. If you’re not, navigate close to the fence and head east. Engage any rogues positioned on top of warehouse 3 near the sandbags, if necessary, and make your way through the gap in the fence.

If you have tasks requiring technical items such as Fuel Conditioners or Car Batteries, these can be found inside warehouse 3. Scavenging these warehouses and the main entrance of the water treatment plant is an effective way to generate income in Lighthouse, as they contain high-value loot like VPX, Virtex, GPUs, and various military-grade items alongside a decent selection of technical loot.

Third Fuel Tanker Truck

Third Fuel Tanker Truck
Screenshot by Prima Games

The third fuel tanker truck is situated past the water treatment plant, within the railyard. It lies slightly to the east of the containers in the middle of the railyard. This area is frequented by Scavs, and rogues near Warehouse 2 pose a threat here as well, so be sure to clear them out before marking your target.

Group of Fuel Tankers

Group of Fuel Tankers
Screenshot by Prima Games

The group of fuel tankers can also be found in the railyard, just north of the third fuel tanker. After safely marking this target, you can proceed to your extraction point.


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