Re:ZERO Season 3 Episode 3 Recap: Subaru’s Struggle to Rescue Emilia Amidst the Arrival of New Sin Archbishops

Re:ZERO Season 3 Episode 3 Recap: Subaru’s Struggle to Rescue Emilia Amidst the Arrival of New Sin Archbishops

Re:ZERO Season 3, Episode 3 was anticipated to delve deeper into Subaru Natsuki’s clash with the Sin Archbishops, Regulus Corneas and Sirius Romanée-Conti. Officially launched on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, while this element did receive focus, it turned out to be less central to the episode compared to what fans had expected.

Instead, Re:ZERO Season 3, Episode 3 distributed its attention fairly equally among significant ongoing plotlines. This included Subaru and Beatrice’s battles against Sirius and Regulus, alongside Garfiel’s struggle with the emotional repercussions of reuniting with his mother. The episode culminated with a dramatic twist, as more Sin Archbishops invaded Priestella.

The Stakes Rise in Re:ZERO Season 3 Episode 3 as Emilia Gets Kidnapped by Regulus Corneas

Episode Summary

Beatrice and Subaru face challenges in Re:ZERO Season 3 Episode 3 (Image via White Fox)
Beatrice and Subaru face challenges in Re:ZERO Season 3 Episode 3 (Image via White Fox)

The episode kicked off with Subaru Natsuki confronting the Sin Archbishop of Greed, Regulus Corneas, who had Emilia captured. Their brief conversation highlighted Regulus’s self-centered demeanor. The scene escalated when Sirius Romanée-Conti, the Sin Archbishop of Wrath, intervened, attacking Emilia even at the risk of harming Regulus as well.

The narrative then shifted to Otto Suwen, who was buying pastries in Priestella. On his way home, he encountered Sin Archbishop Gluttony, specifically the Gourmet aspect, Lye Batenkaitos. After Lye dispatched a guard, he turned his malicious attention to Otto, paralyzing him with fear.

The discussion between the two escalated into a debate on vengeance, with Sirius asserting her right to kill Emilia as per the wishes of “him,”likely referring to Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti. Subaru then decided to leave Lusbel behind, urging him to escape alone while pledging to save his friend Tina in his stead.

The combat between Sirius and Regulus continued, but Sirius was seemingly ineffective against Regulus. Despite Subaru and Beatrice joining the fray, their attempts to inflict damage were futile. A conversation followed where Regulus discussed his desire to wed Emilia, citing her attractive appearance as his reason.

Sirius re-entered the fray amid the chaos, and by this point, Tina had vanished. Observing Subaru use his version of the Unseen Hand, which he labeled Invisible Providence, Sirius mistakenly identified him as Petelgeuse. Tragically, this misconception still didn’t persuade her to stop harming the innocent.

As Regulus prepared to leave, he attacked Subaru one last time by kicking a stone that severely wounded Subaru’s right leg. Beatrice quickly healed him, only to discover that the injuries inflicted were affecting everyone else as well due to Sirius. Subsequently, Sirius left, vowing that they would all reunite soon before Subaru lost consciousness.

Otto faces challenges of his own in Re:ZERO Season 3 Episode 3 (Image via White Fox)
Otto faces challenges of his own in Re:ZERO Season 3 Episode 3 (Image via White Fox)

The story then redirected to Garfiel Tinsel and Mimi Pearlbaton as they made their way home. Mimi inquired if Garfiel would visit his mother again, but flashbacks indicated his discomfort as she did not recognize him. While her subconscious acknowledged Garfiel, he seemed reluctant to delve deeper into the reunion.

After exiting his mother’s residence, Garfiel was haunted by visions of Elsa Granhiert, the Bowel Hunter, as he hastened ahead of Mimi. When she caught up, Garfiel’s mother’s new spouse approached them to express his gratitude. Garfiel asked whether her real name was Rishia, revealing the confusion surrounding her identity.

The husband confirmed that she had already lost her memory when they met 15 years ago, affirming her identity as Garfiel’s mother due to a past accident. The conversation hinted at Garfiel’s complexities regarding this connection. Garfiel found himself speechless when Liara/Rishia appeared, offering the duo gifts, prompting Mimi to take charge.

Mimi eventually reassured Garfiel about Liara/Rishia’s identity as his mother, confirming their shared essence through scent. She encouraged him to express his emotions, confessing her love for him. Her support led Garfiel to finally let his guard down as he cried in her embrace. Nonetheless, the following day, he resolutely chose against meeting his mother again.

They later enjoyed the sowaries made by Liara/Rishia but were interrupted by a city-wide announcement. The speaker introduced himself as the Sin Archbishop of Lust, Capella Emerada Lugunica. Soon after, Subaru regained consciousness in a room with Al and Felix Argyle, who had rescued him and Beatrice, healing them in the process.

Felix elaborated that Beatrice had exhausted her mana, placing her in a state of suspended animation after using her powers to heal the crowd. Lusbel contributed to the effort by locating Al and rescuing Subaru. Felix informed them that Beatrice would regain consciousness once her mana levels returned, suggesting that supplementing her mana would expedite this.

Garfiel's emotional turmoil in Re:ZERO Season 3 Episode 3 (Image via White Fox)
Garfiel’s emotional turmoil in Re:ZERO Season 3 Episode 3 (Image via White Fox)

Despite Subaru’s urge to act, Felix reminded him of his injuries and limitations. The trio then joined Crusch Karsten, Anastasia Hoshin, and Wilhelm van Astrea for a strategic discussion. This meeting took place inside the Muse Company as they collaborated with Kiritaka and other notable citizens of Priestella.

Subaru was soon briefed about Capella’s announcement, prompting immediate concern given his previous encounters with other Sin Archbishops. Their strategy developed around the threat of flooding Priestella, potentially causing mass fatalities. Anastasia revealed their goal was to reclaim the witch’s corpse that remained hidden in Priestella following its inception. The episode concluded with Garfiel rushing to Subaru’s side, only to find his mother pleading for help to locate her children and husband.

In Conclusion

While *Re:ZERO* Season 3, Episode 3 did center on Subaru’s commitment to rescue Emilia, it mainly served as groundwork for the episode’s more extensive events. It appears that both Subaru’s allies and the Sin Archbishops in Priestella are poised for an inevitable confrontation. Fans can look forward to the next episode, which will likely explore Emilia’s fate and unveil how the Witch’s Cult intends to assert their dominance in Priestella.


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