Rings of Power Detractors Struggle with ‘Unbelievable’ Season 2 Rotten Tomatoes Rating

Despite receiving another Certified Fresh rating, Rings of Power Season 2 has failed to convince Lord of Rings fans (who have yet to watch the new season) to change their opinions.

The first season of Ring of Power received significant criticism, with complaints ranging from accusations of straying too far from Tolkien’s original material to criticisms of the diverse casting choices (including online harassment of Ismael Cruz Córdova, who plays Arondir). Additionally, some viewers found the characterization of Galadriel to be unlikable.

Despite some valid criticisms, others were driven by prejudice and a refusal to change. As predicted, the hostility has resurfaced with the premiere of Season 2 on Prime Video.

In our four-star review, we noted that although Amazon’s Lord of the Rings epic has redeemed itself, we doubt that Rings of Power Season 2 will bring about a lasting peace among fans.

It played a role in the series’ increased Rotten Tomatoes score of 86%, which was an improvement from the previous season’s score of 83%.

To make it clear, not understanding the functioning of the website does not change the fact that 86% of critics have written positive reviews. While they may not all be glowing, they are largely favorable. This fact cannot be disputed.

Despite this, some viewers have already formed their opinions. One user wrote, “I no longer trust critic reviews. They did the same thing with The Acolyte and it turned out to be terrible.”

“One user posted their opinion, advising to wait for input from the audience who are not paid shills. They also cautioned against trusting critic scores on RT if wokeness is a factor.”

A third individual also stated, “I will wait for the Audience Reviews, as they tend to better reflect the true quality of something.”

Contrary to their last comment, they are incorrect. Audience ratings are frequently controlled by vocal minorities, typically for the purpose of negatively impacting titles (such as The Acolyte and Captain Marvel) or artificially boosting their reception.

If you’re unsure about the placement of Rings of Power in the Lord of the Rings timeline, rest assured that we have you covered.

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