Rippling Muscle Syndrome: Understanding the Causes and Effects

Rippling muscle syndrome has captured the attention of fitness enthusiasts as it seems appealing to many when the muscle striations start moving like waves. Quite a lot of people have been seen having this condition and gaining a good amount of following on prominent social media platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok.

It happens to be a rare genetic neuromuscular disorder that is characterized by muscle contractions and visible rippling waves that spread across the affected muscles. According to medical professionals, the condition is usually inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, meaning it only requires one copy of the mutated gene for the disease to manifest.

What Causes Rippling Muscle Syndrome?

Rippling muscle Syndrome (Image via Instagram@joesthetics)
Rippling muscle Syndrome (Image via [email protected])

The root cause of the condition turns out to be mutations in the caveolin-3 (CAV3) gene. These genetic mutations take part in disrupting the normal function of the caveolin-3 protein, which is involved in the formation of caveolae. The caveola is a type of structure in the cell membrane that helps in building the structure of a muscle.

The mutations in the CAV3 gene directly lead to certain abnormalities in the muscle cell membrane, which affects its stability and signaling processes. As a result, the muscle contractions and movements put a hard trigger on the visible rippling effect in the affected muscles.

Rippling muscle syndrome happens to be a rare disorder and the occurrence is limited and specific to these genetic mutations. It might seem attractive, but consulting a medical professional would be of utmost importance once noticed.

How to Identify If Someone Has Rippling Muscle Syndrome?

Someone who has already discovered the condition present in a specific muscle in the body is likely to show off the anomality of the muscle, but there are certain people who don’t want others to know about the fact that they inherited rippling muscle syndrome.

Rippling muscle Syndrome (Image via Instagram@uzoma_obilor)
Rippling muscle Syndrome (Image via [email protected]_obilor)

The most prominent characteristic of RMS is the visible rippling effect that occurs in the affected muscles which can be observed when the muscles are activated or when they are tapped gently.

Additionally, the condition causes involuntary muscle contractions in the same muscles that exhibit the rippling effect. This contraction is known as myokymia. So, it is generally quite easy to spot someone with the condition even if they are not vocal about it.

What Are the Effects of RMS?

Except for the muscle rippling, which seems appealing to the human eye, rippling muscle syndrome poses quite a lot of threats that have the capability to harm one’s physical self which might lead to paying a visit to a physiotherapist.

Individuals with RMS are likely to experience muscle stiffness and weakness, which affects various muscle groups like the arms, legs, trunk, and face. These symptoms make it challenging to perform everyday tasks and may lead to difficulties with mobility and coordination.

As mentioned earlier, rippling muscle syndrome also causes myokymia, which refers to involuntary muscle contractions. These contractions are seen as continuous rippling movements within the affected muscles and have a firm contribution towards muscle discomfort or pain.

RMS (Image via Instagram@joesthetics)
RMS (Image via [email protected])

The amalgamation of muscle rippling, stiffness, weakness, and myokymia would surely result in functional limitations. Individuals with RMS have difficulties with activities that require fine motor control or sustained muscle contraction, such as writing, typing, or lifting objects.

Lastly, people who are not happy with the inheritance of the syndrome might also suffer from frustration, anxiety, or a sense of self-consciousness due to the visible muscle rippling and potential limitations in daily activities. This might take a toll on the mental health of the individual, further worsening the case.

Final thoughts

It is not always applicable that people with RMS are always limited to being weak, and there are quite a lot of people who have garnered a good amount of followers despite having the condition.

Take the example of the prominent fitness influencer, Jo Linder, who rose to fame with the condition while embracing it. However, it is always recommended to seek professional medical assistance if RMS is noticed.

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