Rogue Genesia Soul Cards Ranking: Complete Tier List of Weapons and Modifiers

Rogue Genesia Soul Cards Ranking: Complete Tier List of Weapons and Modifiers

“Rogue Genesia”invites players into an exhilarating world of bullet hell action, featuring a diverse arsenal of over 40 Soul Cards that unlock new attacks and buffs. These cards are essential for progressing through stages and achieving high scores, making them a critical component of gameplay. This guide brings you a comprehensive tier list of all the Soul Cards available in “Rogue Genesia, ”helping you to optimize your strategy effectively.

Complete Tier List of Soul Cards in Rogue Genesia

Rogue Genesia Tier List
Image courtesy of Pro Game Guides
Tier Soul Card
S Arcanist’s Staff, Fuuma Shuriken, Katana, Fire Ring, Rift, Rune of Luck
A Staff of Storms, Death Aura, Ice Nova, Multi-Handed, Bookworm, Gravity Field, Fractal, Volcanic Fury, Rune of Alacrity
B Kunai, Shuriken, Void Wisp, Magic Wand, Ice Spirit, Recursion, Wormhole, Lightweight
C Rail Gun, Wind Blade, Thunder Staff, Bow, Vine, Concentration, Lightning Spirit, Energizer
D Spear, Absolute Focus, Heavy, Accumulation, Castle, Revolution, Rune of Heaviness

This tier list serves as a valuable resource, offering a detailed overview of all weapons, effects, and modifiers currently available in “Rogue Genesia.”The S-tier cards represent the pinnacle of power with their elite stats and abilities, while D-tier cards are less effective and should generally be avoided.

Top-Tier Soul Cards (S Tier)

Soul Card Rarity Pros & Cons
Arcanist's Staff in Rogue Genesia Arcanist’s Staff (Weapon) Evolution + Exceptional late-game evolution with high damage per second (DPS).+ Provides consistent area damage.+ Combines low cooldown with extended projectile duration.
Fuuma Shuriken in Rogue Genesis Fuuma Shuriken (Weapon) Evolution + Very high DPS with long-range capabilities.+ Strong single-target damage and rapid attack speed.+ Easy to evolve, excellent late-game scaling.
Fire Ring (Weapon) Heroic + Massive area of effect (AoE) with solid base damage.+ Slower cooldown, effective scaling in late game with attack speed.+ Offers strong early-game performance and is easy to unlock.
Katana in Rogue Genesis Katana (Weapon) Heroic + Excellent for AoE attacks against single targets.+ Deals multiple hits simultaneously.+ Scales efficiently with attack speed and damage multipliers.
Rift in Rogue Genesia Rift (Effect) Synergy + Powerful mid to late-game synergy that can sway the battle.+ Continuously teleports enemies hit.+ Complements AoE weapons like the Fire Ring exceptionally well.
Rune of Luck in Rogue Genesia Rune of Luck (Weapon Modifier) Ascended + The most powerful weapon modifier available.+ Increases critical chance by 40%, boosting DPS significantly.+ Almost guarantees a critical hit from every weapon used.

A Tier Soul Cards – Strong Choices

Soul Card Rarity Pros & Cons
Staff of Storms in Rogue Genesia Staff of Storms (Weapon) Evolution + Similar to Arcanist’s Staff, excels in chain damage effectiveness.+ High attack damage, with a low cooldown.+ Excellent late-game scaling and accessibility.
Death Aura in Rogue Genesis Death Aura (Weapon) Epic + Comparable to Fire Ring, albeit less powerful.+ Vast AoE and reliability in DPS.+ Straightforward to activate and enhance.
Ice Nova in Rogue Genesis Ice Nova (Weapon) Heroic + Initially slow, yet one of the most powerful attack weapons available.+ Exceptional scaling and compatibility with various modifiers.+ Straightforward unlocking and pairs well with projectile weapons.
Multi-Handed in Rogue Genesia Multi-Handed (Stats) Heroic + A crucial upgrade for every projectile weapon.+ Doubles or even triples DPS without any negative impact.+ Relatively easy to unlock and maximize.
Gravity Field in Rogue Genesia Gravity Field (Effect) Synergy + Outstanding for AoE-focused builds that slow down enemies significantly.+ Provides an impressive 90% slow debuff.+ Ideal for crowd control strategies.
Bookworm in Rogue Genesia Bookworm (Stats) Heroic + Crucial for extended rounds, enhancing EXP gain significantly.+ Easy to evolve, offering greater base EXP growth later on.
Fractal in Rogue Genesia Fractal (Effect) Heroic + Provides exponential DPS increases, vital for projectile builds.+ Can enhance projectile damage up to four times.
Rune of Alacrity in Rogue Genesia Rune of Alacrity (Weapon Modifier) Epic + An essential weapon modifier for various builds.+ Boosts weapon attack speed by up to 75%.+ Can enhance projectile DPS by 1.75 times.

B Tier Soul Cards – Reliable Options

Soul Card Rarity Pros & Cons
Shuriken in Rogue Genesis Shuriken (Weapon) Uncommon + Simple to acquire and enhance.+ Reliable projectile weapon with favorable scaling. Excels early on but struggles in the late game without evolution.
Kunai in Rogue Genesis Kunai (Weapon) Rare + Effective AoE projectile weapon with decent DPS.+ Generally easy to unlock and enhance. Player may need multiple projectile upgrades for optimal efficiency.
Magic Wand in Rogue Genesia Magic Wand (Weapon) Uncommon + Effective multi-target weapon with good growth potential.+ Low initial DPS, significantly increases with higher projectile counts. Can falter in the late game if used alone.
Void Wisp in Rogue Genesia Void Wisp (Weapon) Evolution + Enhanced version of Void Wisp with chain DPS capabilities.+ High DPS potential, properly scales with attack speed. Performance can decline in the late game without adequate support.
Fire Spirit in Rogue Genesia Fire Spirit (Weapon Modifier) Epic + Excellent modifier for wands and staffs.+ Significantly boosts DPS for the right builds. Fixed damage output, less potential scaling.
Ice Spirit in Rogue Genesia Ice Spirit (Weapon Modifier) Uncommon + Great for slowing enemies significantly for AoE builds.+ Provides a 51% slowdown debuff. Does not offer any direct DPS benefits.
Recursion in Rogue Genesia Recursion (Stats) Heroic + Provides a significant power increase multiplier.+ Highly effective scaling in late-game scenarios. Limited effects on non-projectile weapons.
Worm Hole in Rogue Genesia Wormhole (Effect) Synergy + Effective defense against enemy mobs while preserving DPS.+ Similar concept to Rift, albeit less powerful. Limited effectiveness in scaling, particularly later on.
Light Weight in Rogue Genesia Lightweight (Stats) Epic + Provides a strong boost to attack speed.+ Can nearly double your DPS when enhanced. Scaling becomes challenging in the late game.

C Tier Soul Cards – Limited Effectiveness

Soul Card Rarity Pros & Cons
Rail Gun in Rogue Genesis Rail Gun (Weapon) Heroic + Offers decent damage across long-range.+ Provides consistent DPS with reasonable scaling. Lacks the viability in late-game due to a high cooldown.
Wind Blade in Rogue Genesis Wind Blade (Weapon) Rare + Solid attack damage and reliable DPS throughout gameplay.+ Straightforward to unlock and upgrade, but does need evolution. Struggles to scale effectively late in the game.
Thunder Staff in Rogue Genesia Thunder Staff (Weapon) Rare + Captures single-target damage effectively with chain attacks.+ Useful in late-game situations if well-timed. Suffers from low DPS in both early and late games without evolution.
Vine in Rogue Genesis Vine (Effect) Epic + Blocks enemy movement effectively across various types.+ Scales with area size; may evolve into a stronger card. Very slow cooldown; struggles in late-game play.
Bow in Rogue Genesia Bow (Weapon) Uncommon + Offers respectable single-target damage.+ Consistent DPS, though lacking in AoE capabilities. Heavily reliant on projectile quantity for efficiency.
Concentration in Rogue Genesia Concentration (Modifier) Rare + Increases damage at max level by up to 80%.+ Beneficial for most weapons aside from AoE. Reduces range by 25% at maximum level.
Thunder Spirit in Rogue Genesia Thunder Spirit (Weapon Modifier) Heroic + Similar in function to Fire Spirit, focusing on chain damage.+ Capable of delivering good damage but requires multiple projectiles. Only offers minimal scaling and moderate DPS.
Energizer in Rogue Genesis Energizer (Weapon Modifier) Rare + Provides notable increases to overall damage.+ Works effectively with AoE weapons, but less so with others. Decreases the efficacy of projectile-based weapons considerably.

D Tier Soul Cards – Least Effective

Soul Card Rarity Pros & Cons
Spear in Rogue Genesis Spear (Weapon) Uncommon + Melee option with average range. Lacks substantial late-game scaling and subpar damage output. No promising avenues for evolution.
Absolute Focus in Rogue Genesia Absolute Focus (Stats) Heroic + Can increase critical damage up to 500%. Significant reduction in critical hit chance (up to 50%). Quite challenging to unlock due to stringent requirements.
Accumulation in Rogue Genesia Accumulation (Stats) Heroic + Solid buffs for projectile weaponry. No benefits for AoE weapons or alternative options. Can hinder builds focused on attack speed.
Castle in Rogue Genesis Castle (Stats) Epic + Grants solid defensive boosts during early phases. Scalability can be weak without further enhancements. Defensive buffs lose relevance as the game progresses.
Heavy in Rogue Genesis Heavy (Stats) Heroic + Offers a considerable increase in damage and DPS. Reduces attack speed significantly, which can be detrimental. Lacks applicability across most top-tier weapon selections.
Revolution in Rogue Genesia Revolution (Effect) Heroic + Has potential to eliminate nearly any normal enemy under 20% health. Less effective without offensive AoE weapons in play. Loses efficacy against tougher enemies as the game progresses.
Rune of Heaviness in Rogue Genesia Rune of Heaviness (Weapon Modifier) Epic + Supplies damage multipliers and knockback effect with projectiles. Not well-suited for attack speed builds or primary projectile strategies. Becomes outdated and ineffective in later gameplay stages.

For an in-depth strategy and the best resource of Soul Cards and modifiers available in “Rogue Genesia, ”refer to the complete tier list provided by the source. May your battles be victorious and your score ever-increasing!

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