Romance Rumors Surrounding Taeyeon and Kang Dong-won of Girls’ Generation

On May 14 in the afternoon, Kang Dong-won made an appearance on an MBC radio show to advertise his film “The Plot”.

During the show, DJ Kim Shin-young noted that Taeyeon is not known for making frequent appearances on radio shows. However, during her appearance on this particular show, she revealed that she would rather be invited to Kang Dong-won’s house than invite him to hers.

kang dong won

Kang Dong-won responded with a laugh, saying, “Oh, I’ll have to invite her sometime. But I also enjoy being invited,”displaying his great sense of humor.

During the show, DJ Kim Shin-young playfully remarked, “I can’t wait for the day when Taeyeon joins Kang Dong-won at his 10-person dining table,”causing the audience to burst into laughter.

Despite the playful nature of their interaction, it was enough to generate speculation about a possible romance, as seen in the headline of a popular article in Korea. According to a piece on the news site Naver, their remarks have already garnered more than 170,000 views and could potentially lead to dating rumors.

Conversely, the film “The Plot”is scheduled to be released on May 29. The movie portrays the tale of a “designer”who orchestrates hired killings to appear as accidental fatalities, but becomes entangled in an unforeseen event.

The source of the ranking article is Naver, which can be accessed through the link provided.

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