Saitama’s final opponent in One Punch Man could be a universal-level threat

Despite its initial lighthearted tone and lack of seriousness, One Punch Man is a series that uses an absurdist approach to comedy, making it a major draw for viewers.

The main character of the series has no need to struggle against anyone as he possesses the ability to defeat any opponent with a single punch. The idea of a traditional hero’s struggle is nonexistent in this series, as comedy takes precedence over logic.

Despite the series’ initial lighthearted atmosphere, there has been a gradual shift towards more serious themes. The manga has now introduced a character who may serve as the ultimate foe for Saitama to face.

If this were to happen, the character could potentially pose a danger to the very existence of the universe.

Please be aware that this article contains major spoilers for the manga series.

Who is the Universal-Level Threat in the One Punch Man Series?

God as seen in the One Punch Man manga series (Image via Shueisha/Yusuke Murata and ONE)
God as seen in the One Punch Man manga series (Image via Shueisha/Yusuke Murata and ONE)

The prominent threat in the series is none other than God, who made his first appearance in the Monster Association arc of the manga. Although his true powers remain a mystery in the manga, there are certain feats in the adaptation that provide fans with some understanding of his untapped abilities.

Despite being a figure shrouded in mystery, God played a crucial role in Homeless Emperor’s power-up, elevating him to a Dragon-level threat. This marked the first instance of God actively involving themselves in the story.

This demonstrated to readers that he has the ability to bestow powers upon human beings. In exchange, they become his loyal followers and he holds a certain level of influence over them. However, complete control over human beings can only be achieved if they wholeheartedly embrace God’s powers without question.

This entity possessed the capability to end the life of the individual to whom he had granted powers. This was evident when God nullified Homeless Emperor’s powers and life, resulting in his death within seconds.

Despite being granted additional powers, Homeless Emperor’s inability to utilize them left the entity disappointed. This served as evidence to readers that God is capable of remotely killing his minions from a great distance.

God has scattered specific cubes throughout the world, enabling humans to communicate with him. As a result, Garou was granted additional powers that triggered the notorious transformation known as Cosmic Fear Mode. However, this was a consequence of Garou’s incomplete acceptance of God’s powers, as he was not fully under God’s control.

Having been teased in the manga, it is evident that this entity possesses many impressive abilities. It was of such immense size that it had to be sealed within the moon, and Blast has encountered and battled against it numerous times.

Despite being the top-ranked hero who specializes in fighting interdimensional beings, even he faced challenges when facing God. This is a common technique used by authors to conceal a significant portion of the antagonist’s abilities, which are later unveiled in a grand manner in the manga.

Additionally, Saitama’s desire for a powerful adversary to break the monotony of his daily routine has been a long-standing wish. This could serve as a fitting conclusion to the One Punch Man saga, but in order to truly test Saitama, the opponent must possess a level of strength at least on par with a universal threat, such as God.

Keep an eye out for additional updates on anime and manga throughout the course of 2024.

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