Taro Sakamoto, once heralded as the most formidable hitman, has transformed his life in remarkable ways. After finding love, he retired from the perilous world of assassinations and now dedicates himself to being a caring father and husband, running a family-owned convenience store. Yet, his past refuses to stay buried, and when a bounty is placed on his head, he finds himself caught in a whirlwind of danger once again.
This article seeks to explore the intriguing phenomenon of Sakamoto’s rapid weight loss. What could be the secret behind such an extraordinary transformation? Does he possess a special ability or perhaps rely on some enigmatic elixir?
What Is the Secret to Sakamoto’s Weight Loss?
Although he appears to have gained weight, Sakamoto still maintains a lean physique, a legacy from his days in the Japanese Association of Assassins. His tenure as a contract killer has endowed him with a strength that surpasses the average individual. The calories he accumulates are stored as body fat, especially since he doesn’t utilize them during his day-to-day activities at the shop.
This stored fat becomes a reservoir of energy that Sakamoto can tap into when it matters most, empowering him to confront adversaries and safeguard his family under extreme pressure. Some fans speculate that this could be likened to a “second form,”reminiscent of the way All Might transforms from his weak state into a muscular powerhouse capable of extraordinary feats.
Are There Any Side Effects of His Sudden Weight Loss?
Granny Mia, known for her holistic healing abilities, has cautioned that such abrupt weight loss can be detrimental to Sakamoto’s health, particularly in high-stress scenarios; it compromises his physical capabilities. To function effectively, he needs to match the intensity of his usual self, retaining fitness in his ‘normal’ form.
Following Granny’s advice presented in Chapter 47 of the manga, Sakamoto attempted to embrace his bulkier appearance in combat situations. However, as seen in Chapter 91, the high stakes against Kanaguri forced him to revert to his slimmer form to gain the power necessary for victory. This illustrates a critical caveat: despite being an elite assassin, Sakamoto’s reliance on this fluctuating physique signifies an ongoing struggle to adapt and optimize his fighting prowess, showcasing the dual-edged nature of his weight loss.
About Sakamoto Days
“Sakamoto Days” is a captivating blend of comedy and action, crafted by Yuto Suzuki, and serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump. The author is recognized for his earlier works, including the well-received one-shots “Garaku” and “Locker Room.”
Since its debut on November 21, 2020, the series has followed the ex-assassin Taro Sakamoto as he navigates a quieter life filled with love and familial responsibilities, illustrating the juxtaposition between his tumultuous past and serene present.
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