Salvaging vs. Settling Winterhome in Frostpunk 2: A Comprehensive Guide

One of the most significant decisions in Frostpunk 2 revolves around Winterhome, the forsaken colony laden with tragedy. Given the impact this choice entails, you might be asking yourself: Should you Salvage or Settle Winterhome?

This comprehensive guide will help clarify your decision.

Frostpunk 2: Salvage or Settle Winterhome – All Outcomes Explained

While the choice between Embrace or Defeat Frost nudges your game in a certain direction, the decision to Salvage or Settle Winterhome directly influences the challenges you face in the latter stages of the game. Winterhome is built atop Cores that can be utilized to enhance your Generator to its maximum capacity, yet it also holds the potential to be revived into a thriving community for your growing population.

Below, we detail the implications of each choice for your gameplay, along with our recommendation for the optimal option.

What Happens When You Salvage Winterhome?

View of Winterhome Salvage Wreckage in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Opting to Salvage Winterhome is a more aggressive decision, rendering the area permanently unlivable.

The resources you can extract from this choice are limited, as there is no way to seal the toxic vents that caused the demise of the original city’s residents. This creates a breeding ground for disease, and any workforce deployed there must be withdrawn within a year, or they risk being wiped out before establishing supply lines to New London.

In return, however, you can harvest a substantial number of Cores for use in your main city. These Cores can be employed to develop advanced technologies and buildings, offering tremendous benefits for New London.

Additionally, this path aligns you closely with the visions championed by the Faithkeepers and Stalwarts, significantly boosting their trust. Their abilities become easier to activate, and they will rally behind you as you approach the game’s final stages.

Most critically, you gain access to upgrading your Generator to its highest level. This enhancement greatly increases efficiency, enabling you to keep it in Overdrive for extended durations while generating enough heat to combat the Frost effectively.

What Happens When You Settle Winterhome?

View of Salvage or Settle Winterhome Choice in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Choosing to Settle Winterhome in Frostpunk 2 leads to a slower yet more advantageous outcome.

Though it may take time to establish, Winterhome serves as a vital new colony. It offers a variety of resource deposits beneficial for both it and New London, and additional Cores can still be found in the vicinity. These can contribute to cutting-edge technology development and support maximum Generator upgrades if you manage your resources wisely.

Both the Evolvers and Pilgrims are thrilled with this choice. Each faction is more inclined to support your decisions, allowing you to progress towards a vision of the city centered on Adaptation and collaboration with the new world.

Moreover, the colony is essential as your population grows rapidly. Given its sustainable nature, it provides a safe haven for a considerable number of people, making it easier to ensure their happiness and maintain positive relations with all factions, aside from the usual issues of protests, sabotage, and violence.

Additionally, Winterhome is rich in Steam veins. Steam, being a third type of Fuel for your Generator, is abundant in this area. Once tapped, it revolutionizes your Fuel consumption, alleviating concerns about Heating the colony as you set up the required supply lines.

Which Winterhome Choice Is Better?

With all this information, the lingering question is: Is it better to Salvage or Settle Winterhome in Frostpunk 2?

Based on our experiences with both options, we find it far superior to Settle the former colony and claim it as your own. The resources available from settling outweigh the benefits derived from salvaging, and the additional livable space can be crucial in the late game when available space is at a premium.

The Cores you can still acquire are likewise significant, potentially allowing for the best Generator upgrade without major sacrifices. This decision represents the hidden third option that was hinted at in the prequel, leading to the most favorable ending, whereas salvaging may only leave a select few factions pleased.

The backing of the Evolvers and Pilgrims offers a considerable advantage as well. The former boosts worker productivity, optimizing your resource output, while the latter reinforces your standing in the Council, facilitating the passage of critical Laws required for achieving the Equality ending.

Lastly, settling Winterhome provides access to Steam. Even if you have chosen to confront the Frost, the Steam resource serves as a lifesaver, virtually eliminating worries about Fuel shortages. Our own playthrough became significantly easier once we established Steam Extraction Districts in Winterhome, which proved to be pivotal in completing the game.

In conclusion, choose to Settle Winterhome for the best outcome. Only consider Salvaging Winterhome if you’re seeking a greater challenge or if you’ve exhausted your other Core sources and need to maximize your Generator’s upgrades.

We hope this guide assists you in deciding whether to Salvage or Settle Winterhome in Frostpunk 2. For additional insights into the game, check out our guides on every Faction and tips for quickly acquiring Goods.


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