Sandara Park on Expressing Affection in Public as a Celebrity

During the July 12th episode of SBS PowerFM’s “Cultwo Show”, Sandara Park and Brian were featured as guests in the segment “Don’t Do It!”.

One listener expressed worry about being connected with their 20-year-old son on social media. The listener recounted, “My son recently began dating someone and started sharing Lovestagram posts. Initially, it didn’t bother me, but now he’s posting pictures of their vacation at a secluded lodge. These pictures are very intimate, and I’m concerned about the appropriateness for someone his age.”

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The hosts, Bbaek Ga and Kim Tae-gyun, reassured everyone by stating, “He’s a grown man, there’s no reason to be concerned”and “It’s just a passing trend. Nowadays, the younger generation likes to flaunt their relationships.”Sandara Park chimed in, “I’ve noticed a lot of MZ individuals expressing love through social media. I must admit, I’m a little jealous.”

Sandara Park also brought up the concern of being mutual followers, stating, “It could be a problem. My mother and I follow each other on social media, so sharing photos of us kissing might feel uncomfortable.”

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Brian revealed that if he were not famous, he would not have a presence on social media. Bbaek Ga also chimed in, stating that for a regular individual, having a Lovestagram account would imply having a romantic partner. If the partner were to ask if they were embarrassed by them, Bbaek Ga would comply, but would not take the initiative to create the account on their own.

Sandara Park admitted, “I would be the one to make the first move. If I weren’t famous, I would love to publicly post about my relationship and show affection in public.”Kim Tae-gyun understood, “Being a celebrity comes with many challenges. They often long for a life of anonymity in their next lifetime.”Sandara Park concurred, “I wish I could hold hands in the park, but unfortunately, that’s not possible for me.”

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