Scared out! Before the ending of “Evil Ghost”, it is more scary and brain-burning. Kim Tae-ri plays the role of a ghost and human beings and both perform well (EP.9-10)

(Cover image source: Screenshot of Disney+@《恶鬼》)

Did you watch the latest 9th and 10th episodes of “Ghost”last Friday and Saturday? I heard that these two episodes are even scarier, are you too late to start…

(The following involves spoilers)

(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@《恶鬼》)

Episode 9 continues from Episode 8 “Open the Door”. Xu Wenchun (played by Jin Yuanhai) really died because of the act of “opening the door”and fell down in front of Li Hongsai (played by Hong Qing). Li Hongsai thoroughly believes in the real existence of “ghosts”, and also believes that he is attached to Gu Sanying. After this tragedy happened, the crowd became divided into three groups, only Gu Sanying (played by Kim Tae Ri) investigated alone, while Lee Hongsai (played by Hong Kyung) observed Gu Sanying and shared all information with Lian Hai (played by Wu Zhengshi).

(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@《恶鬼》)

The most important thing to eliminate the evil spirit now is that there must be a mistake in the names of the five objects and the evil spirit. Gu Sanying has already realized that the evil spirit is not Li Muduan, but he is threatened by the evil spirit and dare not tell anyone what he knows. When Gu Sanying and Lian Hai are searching for the fifth item together, Lian Hai is worried that he is being used by Gu Sanying, but he also uses her to find out the truth.

(Source: Screenshot of Disney+@《恶鬼》)

▼Gu Sanying’s frantic drinking of water is also quite scary

Gu Sanying doesn’t want to see evil spirits harming people again, but she actually has selfishness in her heart. When she hears the evil spirits say “You need me”, when she can’t see herself, but when Li Hongsai tells her that “the evil spirits will kill your most precious person in exchange”, she breaks down and only wants to save her mother wholeheartedly. They decided to carry out a plan to get Grandma Lian Hai (played by Kim Hae-sook), who summoned the evil spirit, to tell the real name of the evil spirit——Xiang Yi.

▼The collapse of Gu Sanying is also a scene of Kim Tae-ri’s great acting skills

However, is this plan so easy to succeed? The trailer shows that the three of them are still being chased by the evil spirits, and Gu Sanying’s mother is in danger.

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