Scariest movie ever made that leaves viewers “physically ill” isn’t even a horror

If you require evidence, simply consider the most frightening film ever created – and surprisingly, it’s not even a horror.

Currently, Longlegs is dominating the genre and causing a divide among audiences with its ambiguous ending, which incorporates supernatural elements.

Despite being praised by some as the most terrifying film of the decade, there are plenty of horror movies that are even more frightening than the popular Nicolas Cage hit.

One prime example of this is Irréversible, a 2002 French thriller directed by the controversial auteur and renowned master of extreme cinema, Gaspar Noé. Before delving into the details, it should be noted that certain individuals may find the following content disturbing.

Despite being someone who typically enjoys gruesome and unsettling content, I found this film particularly difficult to digest (like many others), with some even reporting feeling physically nauseous after viewing it.

For those who are not familiar, Irréversible is just as groundbreaking as it is disturbing, portraying the events of a vicious rape and its consequences in reverse chronological order.

The opening scene of Noé’s debut film, I Stand Alone, is presented in one continuous shot and features the main character, the Butcher, confessing to sexually assaulting his daughter.

There is no way to fully prepare for the events that follow – a chaotic chain of rage and sorrow, leading up to a brutal attack where a man’s jaw is shattered into fragments by a fire extinguisher (described in disturbing and gut-wrenching detail).

Despite its Cannes premiere resulting in mass walkouts and bans, the most highly debated scene in the film is a 10-minute rape involving a character named Alex (Monica Bellucci).

It is widely considered to be one of the most challenging scenes ever depicted on screen, and this sentiment is shared by numerous movie enthusiasts.

One Reddit user expressed that the film Irreversible had a strong physical impact on them, stating “I am quite behind in watching it, but I finally saw Irreversible and it left me feeling physically ill.”

Although I enjoy watching gore and horror movies, this particular film left me overwhelmed with despair and hatred to the point where my hands and feet became numb and tingly.

“Whether it was a panic attack or a burst of physical anger, I found myself engrossed in a movie that was both raw and intense. Despite its harshness, I couldn’t help but praise it.”

They proceeded to explain that it is one of the rare movies that they thoroughly enjoyed, but at the same time cannot suggest to their loved ones.

Some people also supported their hypothesis, with one person responding, “This is difficult to watch… it feels too realistic and I struggle to continue watching.”

One person also pointed out that the score contributes to the feeling of discomfort, stating, “As we journeyed through the S&M club for the first 10-15 minutes, the soundtrack used a drone score typically used for crowd control, which caused a feeling of nausea.”

In a different discussion on Reddit, a 17-year-old user inquired about Irréversible after their mother suggested waiting until they were a bit older. In response, another user stated, “Even experienced movie watchers may find it quite disturbing.”

The first 45 minutes of the film are filled with graphic scenes of sex, drugs, and violence, making the infamous tunnel scene seem tame in comparison. These intense and explicit moments are not typically seen in mainstream films.

“I viewed it when I was your age, but in hindsight, I do not believe I had the emotional maturity to fully comprehend it. You will still gain something from it, but I strongly advise against watching it with anyone else.”

One person boldly stated, “I believe it’s not appropriate for a 17-year-old. The movie is extremely distressing, especially the rape scene which is one of the most violent scenes ever shown on screen.”

If you have read all of the above and are still interested in watching (or rewatching) Irréversible, you can stream it on BFI Player Classics through Prime Video.

It is also possible to view the upcoming movies that will be available for streaming this month.

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