Scientist reveals the most disturbing detail about The Man With 1000 Kids.

The discussion about the risks of mass sperm donation, led by The Man With 1000 Kids, has been joined by a scientist who has shed light on the most disturbing danger of all.

The Netflix documentary series explores the story of Jonathan Meijer, who has fathered hundreds of children around the world, but also delves into the experiences of other prolific sperm donors like Kyle Gordy. It sheds light on the lack of regulation surrounding sperm donation.

Fertility fraud activist Eve Wiley emphasizes that having numerous half-siblings, potentially in the hundreds or even thousands, raises significant concerns about biodiversity.

An expert has now shared their thoughts on the matter, discussing the most unsettling aspect highlighted in the recently released true crime documentary series: genetic sexual attraction (GSA).

GSA refers to the situation in which two relatives who have been separated for a significant period of time develop a strong romantic bond upon their first meeting, unaware of their familial connection.

According to adoption and donor children specialist Leslie Pate Mackinnon, there is a significant risk for Meijer and other mass donors’ children to face this danger in reality.

In a discussion with the Daily Mail, Mackinnon clarified that this issue is genuine and he has witnessed it causing significant damage to families.

Despite limited research on the phenomenon and skepticism from some critics regarding its validity, Mackinnon shared with the outlet that she has personally witnessed it occur in some of her patients.

“During the initial encounter between two siblings who share the same sperm donor, they are likely to discover many similarities. As the speaker stated, they may have similar tastes in books and share a sense of humor.”

“People can be misled when they see someone who resembles me and shares my laughter, as they may recognize similarities in our DNA.”

Similarly, in addition to assisting numerous adopted patients who have encountered these powerful emotions upon meeting their biological relatives for the very first time, there have also been several instances of GSA that have gained media attention throughout the years.

According to Mackinnon, the individuals are responding normally to an unusual circumstance.

The individuals are attempting to understand a perplexing situation, but there is no logical explanation for encountering your mother, father, or sister at the age of 40 when you have never seen them before.

In The Man With 1000 Kids, it is examined how the psychological harm caused by this situation can lead to the unintentional conception of children between those involved, resulting in congenital disabilities.

Despite the potential risks, Meijer maintains that he has not committed any wrongdoing. He has been a donor for 17 years and has thought about the implications of his actions every day. He believes it is important for donors to not remain fully anonymous, as this would prevent any children conceived from having the option to find out about their biological origins. He shared his views with LADbible in an interview.

However, not all donors are willing to disclose their information, and not all parents want their children to have to inquire about their partner’s family history before entering a romantic relationship.

You can now stream The Man With 1000 Kids on Netflix.

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