Secret Diablo 4 buff found after 800 hours of gameplay

In Diablo 4, there are hidden secrets waiting to be discovered. Recently, a player stumbled upon a statue that rewards you with a spirit follower if you can solve its riddle. Despite Faded Plaques being a known feature in the game, even players with 800 hours of gameplay were unaware of this particular discovery.

In Sanctuary, there are numerous Faded Plaques scattered throughout, which, if deciphered, can grant a temporary buff. Due to their subtle appearance, it is understandable why some players may not notice them. However, it is worth noting that they can also lead to obtaining a spirit follower.

If you come across a Faded Plaque, you must interact with it and read the inscription. The instructions may be a bit vague, but you must use the appropriate emote based on the given clue.

Upon reading the statue’s clue, only a limited number of words will be visible, requiring careful attention to the capitalized one.

The specific Faded Plaque that the player discovered, the one that grants a temporary spirit follower, is marked with the word “embolden”in all capital letters. Therefore, if one desires the spirit, they must use the cheers emote within the circle that appears in front of the Plaque.

I always love these statue interactions! This one gives you a spirit that follows you! byu/abdo210 indiablo4

Once you have completed this task, your buff, the spirit follower, will become active. While it may not drastically impact your game, it is a small yet beneficial advantage that requires minimal effort to obtain.

Despite ‘abdo21’ being the one to bring attention to this discovery on Reddit, there were still numerous players who were unaware of it – including one who had spent a significant amount of time playing. “I’ve played for 800 hours and I never realized this was possible,”they admitted.

“It took me some time as well. I carefully read the clues, but it wasn’t until I came across the demo quest in Kyovashad that I discovered the emote radial menu and had a light bulb moment,”explained another person.

Unlocking All Faded Plaques in Diablo 4

If you want to know the emotes required for the word obtained from the Faded Plaques in Diablo 4, below are the emotes and their corresponding buffs.

Inscription Emote Buff
ATONE Sorry Become Unstoppable
BID FAREWELL Bye Increased movement speed
GIVE AID Help Gain a barrier
GRATITUDE Thanks Additional gold from kills
GREET Hello Become invisible
PROVOKE Taunt Receive health potions

Hence, if you come across a Faded Plaque in the future, make sure to inspect it and utilize your emotes to receive a minor boost. With Season 5 approaching, it is wise to familiarize yourself with locations where you can acquire such buffs, allowing you to be at your peak when it arrives.

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