Selena Gomez Reveals Health Struggles Preventing Pregnancy, Plans to Adopt Children

On the 9th (local time), Vanity Fair published an interview with Selena Gomez, in which she disclosed her challenges with fertility. She stated, “Unfortunately, I have many health issues that could put both my life and the baby’s at risk,” expressing her deep sadness about the situation and evoking sympathy from many fans.

During the interview, Selena shared her continued desire to become a mother someday. While she acknowledged that it might not unfold as she initially envisioned, she remarked, “I think it’s a blessing that there are wonderful people who choose surrogacy or adoption,” indicating her openness to the idea of adoption. Earlier this year, she had expressed a similar sentiment in an interview with Time, revealing her intention to adopt if she remains single by 35.

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Selena conveyed her appreciation for alternative paths available for those wishing to become parents. Expressing her enthusiasm for adoption, she stated, “I’m excited to see what that journey will look like. It doesn’t matter if it looks different, because, in the end, it will still be my child,” highlighting her positive perspective.

Selena Gomez was diagnosed with lupus in 2014, a chronic autoimmune condition that primarily affects women of childbearing age. In 2017, she underwent a kidney transplant.

In addition to lupus, Selena revealed in 2020 her diagnosis of bipolar disorder, sharing that she had even contemplated extreme measures during her struggles. Support and encouragement for her during these challenging times continue to increase.

Source: daum

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