Sending Elders to the Frostland in Frostpunk 2: Is It Worth It? Explained

Frostpunk 2 presents players with dark choices, one of the most challenging being whether to send Elders into the Frostlands to alleviate the burden of food supply. But is this the correct decision? What implications does this choice have?

Understanding the Consequences of Sending the Elders to the Frostlands in Frostpunk 2

Wanderers Presenting Captain With Choice to Slaughter Seals, Exile Elders, or Find Another Way
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

To start, sending the Elders to the Frostlands in Frostpunk 2 does indeed significantly reduce the food stockpile required during the prologue.

Instead of amassing 40,000 Food resources, you will only need to gather 25,000. However, this comes at the cost of 500 workforce members, potentially complicating your ability to reach the reduced goal unless you effectively allocate your labor force.

Additionally, making this choice negatively impacts the trust levels of the Faithkeepers and New Londoners at the beginning of Chapter 1, as it conflicts with their ethical beliefs. This will make it tougher to pursue their city-building pathways.

On the other hand, alternative actions come with their own pros and cons. If you choose to slaughter the Seals, you will quickly approach the initial target of 40,000 Food stocks, but it will cause a decline in support from the Faithkeepers in Chapter 1 and hinder their respective city tracks. Alternatively, instructing the Wanderers to conserve resources results in a minor trust reduction, but it’s less severe than the penalty from the harsher choices.

With these factors in consideration, we suggest sending the Elders to the Frostlands if your food production is insufficient. However, there is a way to navigate the Whiteout without making any sacrifices.

How to Complete the Prologue Without Sacrificing Anyone

This option can be accessed through the circular icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. Building these districts requires about half the Prefabs and Scrap needed compared to a Food District.

Once your districts are established, assign Emergency Shift orders to maximize their output. This will temporarily boost food production until you decide to end the shifts. Be cautious, as this can lead to accidents that might injure or cost lives among your workers. It’s advisable to pause for rest if such incidents occur.

Keep this production pressure consistent, and if any of the districts begin to run low, dismantle them and repurpose the resources for retrieving food from other sources. By continuing this strategy for several weeks, you can accumulate the necessary Food supplies to survive the Whiteout without sacrificing any individuals.

That wraps up our insights on the decision to send Elders to the Frostlands in Frostpunk 2.


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