Server Issues During Destiny 2 Release Cause Frustration Among Players

On the day of its release, players from all over the world have been eagerly anticipating the chance to experience The Final Shape in Destiny 2. However, due to multiple crashes and login problems, they have had to endure a delay before being able to fully enjoy the game.

Despite the highly anticipated arrival of Destiny 2’s new expansion, The Final Shape, players are facing difficulties that are hindering their enjoyment of the game. Despite Bungie’s efforts to resolve these issues with a 24-hour downtime, many Guardians were left disappointed on June 4 when they were still unable to access the expansion.

Bungie has announced that they will be performing an extended background maintenance period in order to address these issues. However, even after waiting for hours in a queue, many players are still experiencing being kicked out of the game upon watching an introductory cutscene.

Numerous issues have been reported, such as MAMUT, CINDY, DELTA, and even crashes caused by BattleEye as of the time of writing. Meanwhile, on Reddit, the community is expressing their frustration towards Bungie for the delays. A player stated, “The Final Delay for Destiny 2 is disrespectful to the community and every D2 fan.”

Despite this not being the first time that a launch full of issues has occurred, many Destiny 2 players have expressed their disappointment. One member of the D2 community stated, “It’s surprising that they haven’t taken more precautions to prevent this from happening every expansion.”

Despite the limited number of players able to successfully join the game, those who have commented on X are expressing frustration as they view it as an unjust advantage. As the Day One Raid competition is scheduled for Friday, June 7, many are concerned they will not have sufficient time to level up their characters or optimize their builds for the Raid.

No matter if you are eagerly anticipating entry into The Final Shape or simply taking a break until the chaos subsides and you can fully experience Destiny 2, you can still learn about the updated Power Cap and the process for obtaining rewards from previous seasons.

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