Seungri’s Insincere Apology in The Burning Sun Scandal

The online buzz surrounding the BBC documentary about former BIGBANG member Seungri’s involvement in the Burning Sun case continues. The hour-long film features a clip of Seungri, who refers to himself as “Seungtsby”and draws comparisons between himself and the wealthy Gatsby character from the 2013 film adaptation of The Great Gatsby.


At his solo concert, THE GREAT SEUNGRI TOUR 2019 LIVE, Seungri spoke about the assault scandal that resulted in the closure of the Burning Sun club. He expressed sincere remorse for disappointing and causing concern to his fans due to his own mistakes. Seungri also acknowledged that he had given himself a nickname, “Seungtsby,”while running his business, but now realizes that he was not humble enough.

Despite fans reviewing these remarks, they unanimously felt that Seungri’s apology was not sincere. This feeling was further confirmed when Seungri committed subsequent crimes and showed blatant disregard, which only confirmed their initial suspicions.

seungri-burning sun

During Seungri’s solo concert, it is unlikely that he could have foreseen journalist Kang Kyung Yoon from SBS FunE seeking justice due to the extravagant parties and his belief that he was Korea’s Gatsby.

The exposure of the Burning Sun case only intensified the bitterness of BIGBANG fans, who came to realize that Seungri’s apology in 2019 was merely an act.

During the BBC documentary, journalist Kang revealed, “I was the person who presented a collection of evidence regarding prostitution and the chat group that shared molka. My investigation was initiated after a party hosted by Seungri in 2015. He was known as Seungtsby, or Korea’s Gatsby.”


Despite being a lavish event attended by the wealthy and famous, the party also served as a means for him to entertain business associates. Additionally, certain aspects of the gathering caused me to wonder if Seungri was indeed involved in the alleged solicitation of prostitution as discussed in the chat group.

In 2019, the K-pop industry was rocked by a scandal at Burning Sun, a club that was invested in and managed by Seungri. The scandal involved employees who were accused of sexually assaulting customers, engaging in violent behavior, and storing drugs.

The concert’s ticketing website reported that following the Burning Sun incident, more than 20 tickets were revoked in a mere four hours. Additionally, numerous tickets were being resold through online platforms. This resulted in only approximately 400 seats being reserved, a significant difference from the previous concerts that were completely sold out.

Origin: K14

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