In the wake of its highly acclaimed inaugural season, *Severance* has profoundly impacted its creator, Dan Erickson, guiding him into a rather unconventional setting: therapy. The enthusiastic reception of the series took many by surprise, particularly Erickson, who was unprepared for the show’s extensive critical and commercial success.
The anticipation surrounding *Severance* Season 2 has ballooned after fans devotedly waited nearly three years for its return. The mix of high praise and fan excitement elevated the stakes significantly for the upcoming season, prompting the creative team to strive for an exceptional follow-up that lives up to the standards established in Season 1.
Dealing with the Pressure: Therapy and Expectations
During a recent interview with SFX Magazine (via GamesRadar), Erickson revealed how overwhelming audience reactions led him to seek professional support. “I was in therapy because of all the wonderful feelings I was getting from people responding to the show, and the surprise of it,” he disclosed. “I really thought it would be a much more niche audience.”
The acclaim surrounding the first season propelled expectations to new heights, compelling Erickson to deeply reflect on how to create a sequel that wouldn’t disappoint his invested audience. He expressed, “Knowing that we’re going to come back and shoot this again, I don’t want to make people come back and spend months and months shooting something that’s not up to the quality of the first season. So it was really intense.”
Crafting a series known for its clever plots and innovative twists is no small feat, and for Erickson, the pressure was palpable. “It took a long time,” he remarked, but he ultimately found hope as production progressed. “There came a point…where I finally started to feel, ‘I actually think this is better.’ I don’t think this is any more a matter of, like, ‘Can we make something acceptable?’ I think we’ve actually got something that’s even more exciting than what we had before.”
This statement is a thrilling update for fans eager for the continuation of a storyline that captivated so many, as the creative team appears poised to deliver an even more engaging experience with Season 2.
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