Shadowheart doesn’t miss in Baldur’s Gate 3 when you use the right spells

Despite the long-standing meme in Baldur’s Gate 3 that Shadowheart struggles to hit her targets, this is not due to a lack of skill or knowledge on her part. As a character with a vast arsenal of spells at her disposal, it is possible that she may appear ineffective because the wrong spells are being utilized.

In the beginning of Baldur’s Gate 3, many of the opponents you encounter will have lower levels and thus lower stats. Due to this, cantrips such as Sacred Flame will prove to be valuable, especially since you have a limited number of spell slots available.

As your character progresses, you will encounter tougher adversaries. Consequently, it is crucial to adapt your spell selection accordingly. Spells such as Spirit Guardians and Guiding Bolt will prove to be valuable allies in Shadowheart’s arsenal.

Other players have suggested that respeccing her would be a wise decision in order to guarantee that she utilizes spells that are specifically suited to her stats.

“In a Reddit thread titled “If you think Shadowheart can’t hit, you’re doing it wrong,”a player clarified that they always respect her as a storm cleric, as any lightning spell she casts deals significant damage.”

Another option for respeccing Shadowheart is to select the Life Domain, converting her into a dedicated healer. This choice grants her access to highly potent healing spells and the capability to support your party by applying debuffs.

Regardless of the approach, players are in consensus that it is crucial to respec Shadowheart. One player elaborated, “This is my usual strategy. Most other characters are typically effective without any changes, but Shadowheart definitely needs some optimization.”

Shadowheart is the perfect character to experiment with in your party, depending on your chosen playstyle and any gaps that need to be filled. In Baldur’s Gate 3, not every character is a powerhouse, so it is crucial to have a well-balanced party that complements each other.

While it may disappoint some players that Shadowheart is not in her prime state at the beginning, she still serves as an ideal character to learn how to properly set up your Class for success.

While keeping in mind that not all characters are capable of constantly annihilating enemies, it is crucial to acknowledge that Shadowheart’s true role may lie in enhancing the abilities of the party.

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