“Sickening” documentary about Pipergate is even scarier than smartschoolboy9

If you were among the countless viewers who followed the smartschoolboy9 saga, you might have picked up on a mention of a more frightening documentary about “Pipergate.”

Recently, popular YouTuber Nick Crowley uploaded a brief true crime documentary investigating the ongoing online enigma surrounding smartschoolboy9, an individual on Instagram who seems to be an adult masquerading as a minor and sharing disturbing material on their multiple accounts.

The deep dive has rapidly gained popularity on the internet, racking up almost 4.5 million views and generating speculation of arrests, police inquiries, and local stories – all of which remain unconfirmed as of this writing.

In his video, Crowley presents screenshots from smartschoolboy9’s multiple Instagram accounts, including truth_sticks_11, sticking to the factual events that have occurred so far.

“He stated that school uniforms and mini boots were always a popular topic of discussion, further solidifying the notion that this is indeed fetish content.”

The Pipergate Rabbit Hole: A Sinister Journey

The YouTuber continues by comparing it to the strange occurrences in the Pipergate rabbit hole. This alludes to his unsettling 2021 mini-documentary ‘Pipergate: A YouTube Rabbit Hole’, which focuses on the infamous YouTube channel ‘Piper Rocks’.

According to Crowley’s explanation, in December 2017, an individual claiming to be a 10-year-old girl named Piper launched the account with the intention of showcasing her video editing abilities.

Despite Piper being just a kid, the edits were “bizarre, violent, and highly perverted”instead of the innocuous nature of the channel.

Just like smartschoolboy9, curious onlookers began to investigate and discovered a series of interconnected YouTube channels with a consistent style of editing, suggestive content involving minors, and crude humor.

Still from Piper Rocks YouTube channel

Moreover, these channels received inappropriate comments that “Piper”would reply to. Despite claiming to be a 10-year-old, adults would respond with suggestive comments.

Numerous clues indicated that Piper was not who they claimed to be, including the unsettling content of their videos. However, in March 2018, they finally released an audio recording of their voice, which sounded artificial and deliberately altered to mimic that of a child.

Additionally, it is worth noting that the channels had consistently been posting content until 2021 and as early as a decade ago, providing further evidence that they were not considered insignificant.

As the case gained attention from concerned viewers on multiple forums, Crowley notes that the most dedicated group was the one on 4chan. They were so invested in the case, that they formed a dedicated group to investigate what they called Pipergate. Their thorough efforts resulted in a 33-page report in 2020.

Where Pipergate differs from the smartschoolboy9 case

Upon further investigation, the team discovered emails linked to the Piper Bynes YouTube channel. Upon conducting a reverse search of the address, they were led to a man named William Glenn Whitaker.

At the moment, this is where the distinction lies between the case and smartschoolboy9. Unlike the registered sex offender Whitaker, who was arrested in 2002 for possession of CP.

Additionally, in the same year, it was uncovered that he had established a fraudulent talent agency known as Wizard Productions, through which he enticed families with the prospect of fame.

Mugshot of William Glenn Whitaker
FDLE/YouTube: Nick Crowley

William Glenn Whitaker was a registered sex offender

Despite having no connections at all, he would still bring children into his home, record them singing and dancing, and make false promises of sending the tapes to higher ups in the music industry.

According to the Tampa Bay Times, it was reported that he was released on $5,500 bail and had a criminal record of arrests and convictions for writing bad checks spanning thirteen years.

Despite his disturbing and suggestive content, Whitaker continued to create and post online, even featuring underage YouTubers in some of his videos.

Despite the 4Chan investigation implying that he was sharing content with other predators, there was never any evidence to support this claim. According to Crowley, it is more likely that he was indulging in his own repulsive and disturbing fetish.

Despite his efforts, his motives remain a mystery even to this day and may never be fully understood. In support of this, Crowley shares a screenshot from the sex offender registry site in Mississippi, where Whitaker had been residing, which confirms his death.

To be honest, it is one of the most ominous rabbit holes on the internet, revealing how predators can easily blend in and carry out their activities online.

Still from Piper Rocks YouTube channel

Crowley’s in-depth analysis has garnered numerous comments, including one that stated, “Smartschoolboy9 led me to return to this page.”

Another individual stated, “During my childhood, I couldn’t comprehend why my parents were so rigid and watchful.”However, as I have grown older, I have come to realize the harsh reality of this world.”

Another person chimed in, stating, “I have to say, those edits are some of the most disturbing things I’ve ever come across. They are even more terrifying than any horror movie, as they depict the embodiment of complete depravity.”

A fourth individual commented, “Every single aspect of this is terrifying. The footage is disturbing and sickening, the music is unsettling, William’s creepy voice sends chills down my spine, the enigma of this rabbit hole is frightening, and Nick’s editing is the perfect finishing touch. In my opinion, this is by far the most frightening video from Nick Crowley.”

If you have worries regarding the smartschoolboy9 case, both technology and legal professionals have suggested the optimal course of action.

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