Significant Deadlock Update Simplifies Soul Farming Post September 12 Patch

Deadlock developers have implemented a significant change that simplifies the process of farming souls with the new Soul Orb update introduced in the September 12 patch.

This patch, released unexpectedly in true Valve style, includes numerous changes such as updates to the game map, hero and item balance adjustments that will certainly impact tier lists, the removal of timezones, and much more.

A noteworthy highlight of this extensive update is the alteration to the mechanics of souls, specifically regarding Soul Orbs, which will enhance the laning experience.

Deadlock orbs of Souls

The update prioritizes the player who claims the Soul Orb over the one who tries to deny it.

According to the September 12 update, Soul Orbs will now “favor the claimer rather than the denier when both impact within a very narrow window of each other.”

This means that if you defeat a creep and attempt to claim the Soul Orb, while an enemy simultaneously tries to steal it, the game will grant priority to you instead of the enemy.

This change should facilitate the process of securing your Soul Orbs, especially for beginners who are still mastering game mechanics. You’ll be less likely to have your hard-earned rewards snatched away by opponents.

On the flip side, if your goal is to deny as many Soul Orbs as possible, you will need to be vigilant and aim to steal the orb before the enemy player has a chance to claim it. Timing your attacks too closely together will no longer be effective.

Overall, this change is a welcome addition to the MOBA, particularly as it provides greater flexibility for new players when it comes to securing Soul Orbs and farming effectively.

For those who have experienced moments where they thought they had claimed their Soul Orbs only to have the enemy deny them, this update should provide a more reliable gameplay experience moving forward.

In addition to the Soul Orb changes, the patch includes various quality-of-life improvements such as a simplified minimap with updated hero icons and a new reporting system designed to curb toxic player behavior, along with numerous bug fixes.


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