Silent Hill 2 Remake Guide: Strategies to Defeat the Final Boss

Silent Hill 2 Remake Guide: Strategies to Defeat the Final Boss

Note: This article reveals spoilers regarding the conclusion of Silent Hill 2 Remake.

Facing the final boss in Silent Hill 2 Remake presents players with a formidable challenge, particularly due to her varied attack sequences and three unique phases. With James equipped with an array of weapons, employing a strategic approach is critical to her defeat. This guide will dissect Mary’s attack patterns and offer effective strategies for overcoming the game’s climactic battle.

Mary’s Attack Patterns in Silent Hill 2 Remake

Mary executing a dash attack on James in Silent Hill 2 Remake
Screenshot by Prima Games
Attack Name Description
Black Moth Swarm Mary transforms into a swarm of Black Moths that relentlessly pursue you. After closing in, it attacks. To fend it off, utilize the Lead Pipe; a single strike will dissipate the swarm.
Tentacle Swipe When in proximity to Mary, she will unleash a tentacle-like attack resembling a large tail to swipe at you. Retreating backward will help you avoid damage.
Ceiling Strike In the second phase, Mary descends from the ceiling, attempting to drop on James.
Right Leg Lunge In the third phase, Mary targets you with her spider-like iron legs, with the right leg lunge being her primary attack. Time your dodges to evade her reach.
Two-hit Front Legs Attack Also in the third phase, Mary uses the frontal legs of her iron bed to hit James. This attack strikes twice, making it critical to dodge the initial hit to avoid the follow-up.
Dash Attack Mary executes a rapid dash attack, quickly closing the distance. There’s a short delay before she performs a follow-up, giving you a moment to escape her range.
Tentacle Strike In her third phase, instead of the initial Tentacle Swipe, she uses a Tentacle Strike, extending her tentacle from the rusted iron bed towards you.
Aggro Upon screaming, Mary intensifies her attacks, moving swiftly across the arena and unleashing assaults more frequently during this phase.

Strategies to Defeat Mary in Silent Hill 2 Remake

James shooting the Moth Swarm in Silent Hill 2 Remake
Screenshot by Prima Games

As the climactic opponent in Silent Hill 2 Remake, Mary’s battle unfolds over three phases, each requiring specific approaches and responses to her diverse attack styles. While understanding her assault patterns as detailed earlier will prepare you to dodge them, a solid strategy is essential to secure victory.

In the initial phase, it’s vital to keep your distance and avoid close-quarters combat. Mary frequently unleashes a Tentacle Swipe when in range, making melee attacks perilous.

Focus on using the Handgun, intermittently switching to the Shotgun for added effectiveness to navigate the first phase smoothly.

James attacking Mary with a Shotgun during the second phase
Screenshot by Prima Games

During the second phase, Mary adapts, using her rusted iron bed to sprout spider-like limbs and traverse the ceiling. The dimly lit environment adds difficulty in tracking her. Utilizing a quality sound system or headphones allows you to detect her movements accurately.

Position yourself away from her as she crashes down. Properly timing your dodges will prevent damage. Keep a safe distance during her descent, and unleash a few shotgun shots to inflict heavy damage.

If sound cues aren’t available, observe for sparks on the ceiling indicating her position. The friction from Mary’s rusted bed generates visible sparks, serving as a critical indicator of her imminent drop.

Like the first phase, Mary will also send out Moth Swarms, which can again be dispersed using the Lead Pipe.

Continue your assault with the Shotgun or Hunting Rifle, and you will swiftly conclude this phase of Mary’s battle in Silent Hill 2 Remake.

James using the Hunting Rifle on Mary
Screenshot by Prima Games

The final phase introduces a broader range of attacks and tends to last longer. Mary continues with her Black Moth Swarm, which you can clear with the Lead Pipe, or by firing a few Handgun rounds.

Be vigilant about Mary’s iron legs, as she will deploy a variety of strikes. These can be avoided with good timing. Although the dodging is less punishing than other games, miss your timing and you could be easily defeated in this phase.

Mary executing a dash attack on James
Screenshot by Prima Games

When Mary screams, causing the screen to turn dark purple, this signals her increased aggression and signifies that you are nearing victory.

This is the ideal moment to unleash your Hunting Rifle and Shotgun shells. Generally, circle around while using the Hunting Rifle from a distance, and switch to the Shotgun when she closes the gap.

By repeating these strategies, you’ll vanquish Mary in no time.

For additional insights into the game, check out our guide on How to Acquire the Chainsaw in Silent Hill 2 Remake.


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