Simple Baldur’s Gate 3 mistake leads to Act 3’s downfall

Your choices in Baldur’s Gate 3 can have harmful consequences, depending on your playthrough. It is important to be mindful of your decisions, especially in a “good”playthrough, as even one mistake can significantly impact your experience in Act 3.

Upon reading a post by Reddit user ‘SufficientMixture614’, it was brought to attention that killing Gortash during his coronation ceremony in Act 3 could result in severe repercussions. While some players may be tempted to follow Karlach’s suggestion and eliminate Gortash on the spot, it is important to fully understand the potential consequences beforehand.

Initially, the Steel Watch questline is lost and The Foundry has been completely destroyed, resulting in the death of all Gondians inside. Similarly, the entire Iron Throne mission has also come to an end, resulting in the loss of a significant portion of Act 3.

Furthermore, it is believed that Duke Ravengard perishes while sitting on the Iron Throne, which may have been destroyed during Gortash’s absence. Wyll’s primary objective now becomes finding a way to revive the Duke, potentially resulting in the exclusion of Mizora’s romantic encounter, according to the original poster.

Some other notable modifications involve Volo being inexplicably tethered to the cart, and the complete closure of Wyrm’s Rock Bridge on the crossing side, requiring you to seek an alternate route to the Lower City.

Killing Gortash at the coronation really messes up Act III byu/SufficientMixture614 inBaldursGate3

Despite Gortash being a vessel of Bane, Karlach has a strong desire to eliminate him just before he becomes the new ruler of Baldur’s Gate. Nevertheless, it would be wise to remain composed and form a temporary alliance with him, as this would not only allow you access to all areas of the city but also protect you from the threat of the Steel Watch.

The majority of the events in Act 3 revolve around Gortash, which explains the numerous repercussions of his premature death before the ultimate confrontation. As he holds direct control over the Steel Watch and Iron Throne, it is to be expected that his absence would result in their complete dismantlement, ultimately leading to the destruction of The Foundry as well.

Despite the closure of Wyrm’s Rock following his death, the Netherbrain will likely have an easier time gaining control over the rest of the city. However, Volo’s current predicament is most likely a mistake, as there is no apparent reason for why he is bound and being transported on a cart.

It was suggested by many that players should carefully “plan”their entire Act 3 run in order to avoid any potential mishaps. Navigating through the city of Baldur’s Gate requires a keen awareness of the environment and an understanding of which missions should be completed next to ensure a seamless experience.

Despite being an open-world title, some players believe they are pressured into following a specific sequence in order to preserve their progress. While many consequences are logical, there is a desire for players to have more agency in their playthroughs.

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