Simple design change drastically improves key Gen 4 Pokemon

Thanks to fanart, a Gen 4 Pokémon from Pokemon Diamond & Pearl has undergone a dramatic transformation – while some players are praising the change as a significant improvement, others may have a different opinion.

Pokemon designs are remarkable because they have the ability to transform unappealing aspects of nature or mundane household objects into endearing creatures.

Most Pokemon have a common feature that contributes to their charm: their eyes. While there are a few exceptions such as Staryu and Starmie, the majority of Pokemon possess facial features that give them a friendly appearance to humans.

Nonetheless, there are ‘mons that could benefit from having their eyes removed. This was demonstrated by IsaacTheAverage, a user on the Pokemon Subreddit, who shared their redesign of Carnivine, the Gen 4 Grass-type Pokemon. With its eyes removed, the new design gave Carnivine a more menacing appearance.

I firmly believe carnivine looks better without eyes. byu/IsaacTheAverage inpokemon

To the surprise of many users in the thread, this modification was seen as an improvement. One user commented, “I have to say, it gives it a more plant-like Pokemon vibe,”while another concurred, “I think it also adds a charming bangs-covering-eyes vibe.”

One user commented, “This reminds me of the plant from Little Shop of Horrors. It’s definitely unique.”Another user added, “I agree, it’s really good. It reminds me of the chompers character from Plants vs Zombies.”

Despite the shift, not all individuals were in favor. A user in the thread expressed their disagreement, stating, “I have to disagree here. Perhaps if he had different eyes, instead of the googly ones, it wouldn’t resemble a monster from a horror film. However, without the eyes, it simply looks terrifying.”Meanwhile, another user shared their concern, writing, “No! If he doesn’t have eyes, how will he see how much I adore him?”

Despite being often overlooked by Pokemon Diamond & Pearl fans who didn’t encounter it in their own playthrough, Carnivine had a significant role in the anime as one of James’ friendly Grass-type Pokemon from Team Rocket. However, its redesign without eyes may have been deemed too gruesome for young viewers, especially when shown chomping on James’ head.

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