Simple Pokemon Go tips earn you over 50,000 XP in just one catch

With a few clever tricks in Pokemon Go, you can easily gain over 50,000 XP with just one successful catch, boosting your leveling progress significantly.

To reach the level 50 goal, Pokemon Go trainers must accumulate millions of XP, which is why they devote all their efforts to gathering XP through activities such as catching Pokemon, hatching Eggs, and defeating Raids.

However, when a Reddit user known as ‘Gotorg’ posted about their impressive 54,020 XP gained from a single catch on Reddit, it revealed a reliable method for acquiring large amounts of XP and leveling up in the mobile game.

The player successfully landed an Excellent Throw with their first Ball to capture a Poipole for their Pokedex on Bagon Community Day Classic. This event offered a 3x catch XP bonus and also happened to be their 7-Day Streak of catches. By using a Lucky Egg, they were able to earn over 50,000 XP.

Some trainers also mentioned that by using a Mega Evolution of the same type as the Pokémon you are trying to catch, you can earn an additional 100 XP. Furthermore, some suggested taking advantage of events that provide bonus XP. One user shared their success during Bagon day, where they were able to gain 1 million XP in just 3 hours by utilizing lucky eggs, making excellent throws, and using the fast catching technique.

The 50,000 XP is just a small part of the overall experience gained in events like this, as one trainer noted earning over 70k XP from a catch in a previous event. Other players then reminded them that it was a Bidoof event with a 4x bonus XP.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for any silhouettes on the ‘Nearby’ spawn list of your game screen. This will allow you to add a new species to your collection before catching anything else on your seventh consecutive day of playing Pokemon Go. Additionally, remember to use a Lucky Egg for additional XP.

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