Smartschoolboy9’s “Mask Theory” Sparks Division Among Viewers in 5 Photos

Five photos of smartschoolboy9 have ignited a controversial new theory: could he be wearing a mask instead of just makeup?

Recently, Nick Crowley published a gripping mini-documentary titled ‘smartschoolboy9: An Internet Rabbit Hole’, which delves into the disturbing rumors and allegations surrounding an alleged predator in the UK.

This unsettling YouTube documentary focuses on a man believed to be named David Alter (although this remains unverified, with some claiming his name is David London), who has been accused of managing an array of disturbing, fake accounts on Instagram featuring warped and even explicit images of children.

On his main account (now removed), he was seen dressed as a child in a tight school uniform, apparently pursuing a real-life child in one chilling video.

As the search for clues continues (allegedly leading to the first sighting of smartschoolboy9), some users on the case’s subreddit suspect he could be wearing a mask.

my take on the mask theory (photo evidence!) byu/manta-miku insmartschoolboy9

With five different photos, manta-miku highlighted that the upper half of smartschoolboy9’s face appears to be a different shade than the lower half. In another clip, a white censor bar appears under his chin, possibly hiding “visible mask lines.”

In the third photo, the user contrasts his upper and lower teeth: the upper front teeth seem to be fake, while the bottom teeth look natural. “I also think that the reason you never see his mouth closed is because it’s a mask,” they noted.

“He always has his mouth open because the mask mouth doesn’t close. Additionally, showing his tongue might be an attempt to obscure his real face behind the mask.”

In the final photo, seemingly taken at night, the alleged mask appears to “peel up at the nose bridge.”

smartschoolboy9: An Internet Rabbit Hole

The user smartschoolboy9 posts disturbing content

Many users support this theory, with one asserting: “Yeah, I’m convinced it’s a mask. The last time I saw someone mention it, they got downvoted heavily, and people dismissed them. It’s painfully obvious he’s wearing a mask.”

“Seriously, are there really people who can’t see he’s wearing a mask? It’s obviously some fetish gimp mask,” another user commented. “I think it’s definitely some type of mask, likely to obscure dark beard shadows and conceal his identity,” stated a third user.

However, there are skeptics. “I think only the top teeth are fake; that much is clear. They are pushing that part of the face upward,” one speculated.

“I don’t believe it’s a mask. The videos are edited or have a filter making his mouth appear larger; his mouth is open because he’s peculiar,” another user remarked. “I genuinely think it’s his real face with makeup. His mouth moves far too much for it to be a mask,” a third countered.

Explore our complete overview of the smartschoolboy9 investigation to date. You can also discover other new true crime documentaries to enjoy this month, and check out Crowley’s Pipergate documentary for more context.


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