SNSD Yoona’s Cannes Nightmare Revealed — Was She Targeted for Her Race?

Yoona, the only Korean ambassador for a jewelry brand, attended the 2024 Cannes Film Festival where she faced discriminatory treatment from a security guard. This incident, which was reported by various international media outlets such as the Times of India on May 26, shed light on the issue of racial discrimination.

Despite shining on the red carpet in a stunning pink dress, Yoona’s attempt to pose for photographs while climbing the stairs was interrupted by a female security guard who blocked her with her hand.

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Despite Yoona remaining calm, the guard still stopped her from posing and gestured for her to enter the venue promptly.

“Yoona’s reaction appeared calm, but she clearly looked uncomfortable,”noted the media.

Yoona’s disappointed expression was evident as she arrived at the venue, clearly affected by the incident. This has sparked a mixed response from K-Netz, who are not surprised by the incident. Furthermore, reports have revealed that the security guard in question has displayed similar discriminatory behavior towards other women of color, while white women have not faced any interference.

Both Kelly Rowland, an African-American singer, and Massiel Taveras, a Dominican actress, were also subject to discriminatory treatment at the festival.

Videos shared on various social media platforms, including X (formerly known as Twitter), depict Kelly Rowland forcefully pushing a security guard and actively protesting. Additionally, there is footage of Massiel Taveras engaging in a heated argument with a guard after allegedly being physically pushed and verbally mistreated.

Taveras turned to Instagram to voice her frustration, proclaiming,

“I was racially discriminated against at the Cannes Film Festival. A security guard pushed me and used abusive language.”

Following the exposure of these incidents, the public is calling for swift action to be taken against the security guard responsible. There is a strong demand for her termination and for the festival to launch an inquiry into their security measures and potential racial discrimination.

Despite its reputation for honoring international cinema, the Cannes Film Festival is currently under scrutiny for its lack of diversity and inclusivity. The recent treatment of Yoona, Kelly Rowland, and Massiel Taveras highlights the pressing need to address issues of racial discrimination at prominent events.

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