Solving a Common Issue in Baldur’s Gate 3: Party Members Running into AOE Spells

Solving a Common Issue in Baldur’s Gate 3: Party Members Running into AOE Spells

The cast of Baldur’s Gate 3 may be comprised of charming rogues, but they continue to have a frustrating tendency to stumble upon hazardous spell AoEs, even with all the updates the game has received thus far.

Mastering the use of AoE and range is crucial for playing a spellcaster in Baldur’s Gate 3. The primary advantage of having a variety of spells is the capability to hit multiple enemies simultaneously with one attack, making it essential to be mindful and avoid injuring allies.

Despite the fact that many D&D players are aware of the importance of avoiding a spell’s damage range, the AI-controlled party members in Baldur’s Gate 3 do not seem to possess this knowledge. Although it required multiple patches to teach them how to properly jump, they still occasionally launch themselves into the danger zone.

The BG3 Reddit has been discussing a particular spell that is causing issues. This spell, known as Moonbeam, is a potent Druid spell that summons a beam of destructive light from the sky, damaging anyone it comes into contact with. Regrettably, this also includes members of the party who inadvertently step into its area of effect.

A Druid from the Baldur's Gate 3 accolades trailer
Larian Studios

The Moonbeam spell is powerful, but party members keep running into it

One user expressed their frustration, saying “I truly hope they address this in Patch 7. It’s just as annoying as the fire-walking issue from last year.” Another user also shared their annoyance, stating, “This and cloud of daggers. It’s unbelievable. Enemies always manage to escape when I use it on them, so why can’t you?”

Another user also shared their experience, stating, “This situation is similar to when they frequently pass through my Cloud of Daggers. I am constantly forced to break my concentration quickly because they and any ally NPC simply run through it after a fight and then blame me.”

Fortunately, even opponents are not immune to mistakes in AI pathfinding. There was a particular instance where Khaga mistakenly walked into her own moonbeam spell during combat, not once, but twice in the same turn.

Although Moonbeam is one of the best low-level Druid spells in the game, it has caused issues in various aspects. This is because it can hit multiple floors simultaneously, which can be bothersome when trying to use it inside buildings.

The creators of Baldur’s Gate 3 are still working on the game and have plans for additional content and updates. It is hoped that an AI improvement will be included to prevent the party from engaging in moonbathing.

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