Son Ye-jin reveals plans for second child! Claiming that her baby looks more like her mother than Hyun Bin, she asked her husband to train her golf skills before going into battle

Son Ye-jin reveals plans for second child! Claiming that her baby looks more like her mother than Hyun Bin, she asked her husband to train her golf skills before going into battle
(Cover image source: YouTube @Imjinhan Class screenshot)

Son Ye-jin recently visited the well-known Korean golf coach Im Jin-han’s YT channel “Im Jin-han Class”. She talked about her baby and her husband Hyun Bin (Hyun Bin), and her happiness almost overflowed the screen~

Ren Zhenhan asked Sun Yizhen whether it was hard to raise children. Sun Yizhen admitted that of course there was some hard work, but it was incomparable to happiness: “The happiness given by children is the happiness I have never felt in my life.”Im Jin Han took the opportunity to ask if he would like to have a second child in this case. Son Ye Jin smiled and said, “This needs to be considered again, but the child is really cute.”

(Source: YouTube@ImjinhanClass screenshot)

Because Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin are both good-looking in the entertainment industry, who their children look like has always been one of the focuses of public attention. Son Ye-jin revealed that many people said that the child is a strange mixture of parents: “It is said that the eyes and the upper half of the face look like me, and the lower half of the face resembles my father, but it is said that the child’s face will continue to change.”Finally, he concluded: “Now A little more like me, a little happier.”

(Source: YouTube@ImjinhanClass screenshot)

Son Ye-jin also mentioned that she received special training from her husband before appearing on the show: “He is really good at golf. I made sure to take the groom to practice after appearing on the teacher’s show and asked him to teach me.”Feeling that Hyun Bin is very kind-hearted, Son Ye Jin seconded the idea and joked, “Should I receive something from the groom? It’s a day of praise.”

Regarding whether Hyun Bin will meet everyone through this show, Son Ye Jin said that he is a perfectionist and always wants to improve his skills before joining. Im Jin Han also said that Hyun Bin hopes to appear in a duel format, but Son Ye Jin complained: “He said he will never Maybe they can’t even come.”This harmonious and loving family atmosphere really makes honey flow every minute XD

(Photo source: IG@yejinhand)

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