Song Ji-hyo’s Angry Acting In Front Of Yoo Jae-suk: Did You Betray Me Because Of Her?

In the latest episode of “Running Man,”the members visited a summer resort where they were split into two teams. One team was given fun missions to complete during their vacation, while the other team, known as the “labor group,”had to work and earn money to cover their expenses.

The production team tasked the members with an impromptu acting challenge, set to background music, with the reward being a summer vacation. The challenge required the members to convey a range of emotions, from romantic comedy to noir and historical dramas. Upon learning the rules of the challenge, the members expressed their disapproval, stating that it favored those with acting experience and was more challenging than expected.

song ji hyo running man

The game began with a romantic background music and the performances of actors Kang Hoon and Ji Ye-eun, as well as the members’ spontaneous remarks, caught the audience’s attention. In particular, Song Ji-hyo switched off her “entertainment mode”and channeled her inner “actress Ji-hyo”to deliver a flawless performance to the background music. When the drama became more provocative, she gestured towards Ji Ye-eun and brilliantly portrayed her anger, accusing her of betrayal. Additionally, Yoo Jae-suk’s new “front teeth”acting concept added to the hilarity of the situation, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

The new episode of “Running Man”, which will air five minutes earlier than usual at 6:10 p.m., showcases the members’ ad-lib battles and acting skills.

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