Song Kang’s Special Appearance in ‘Escape’: Unique Chemistry with Koo Kyo-hwan

On June 18th, Distributor Plus M Entertainment unveiled exclusive stills from the upcoming film “Escape”(directed by Lee Jong-pil), further heightening anticipation for its release. The images showcase well-known actors such as Song Kang, Esom, Lee Ho-jung, and Shin Hyun-ji, adding to the excitement surrounding the movie.

In his portrayal of Sun Woo-min, Song Kang effectively captivates the audience with his character’s mysterious past and its connection to Hyeon-sang (portrayed by Koo Kyo-hwan), resulting in a heightened level of immersion for the viewers.

song kang

Director Lee Jong-pil emphasized that Sun Woo-min played a crucial role in highlighting Hyeon-sang’s personal history and internal struggles. Koo Kyo-hwan, who stars alongside Song Kang, commended his co-star by stating, “Song Kang’s expressive face conveys a multitude of emotions and tales, making him the ideal choice to portray a character that delves into the complexities of his relationship with Hyeon-sang.”

In this film, Song Kang will once again display his versatility as an actor, having previously explored a range of genres in dramas such as “My Demon”and “Nevertheless”, as well as in Netflix’s “Sweet Home”. Paired with Koo Kyo-hwan, the two actors are sure to create a captivating chemistry that will add another level of enjoyment for viewers.

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