Space Marine 2 Class Rankings: Top Choices for Operations and PvP

Whether you’re engaging in Operations or Eternal War in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, selecting the ideal class is vital for defeating Heretics, Tyranids, or opposing players.

One of the standout features of Space Marine 2 is its class versatility. The ultimate goal of destruction remains the same, but your approach depends on your selected class. Do you prefer to charge into the fray? Would you rather support your teammates while dealing significant damage from medium range? Or do you enjoy eliminating enemies from a distance? Whatever your playing style, there’s a suitable class for you.

However, not all Space Marine 2 classes are created equal, and the performance of each varies significantly. Drawing from our extensive experiences as players and Warhammer enthusiasts, we’ve evaluated all six classes to determine which excel in both battle formats.

With that in mind, here’s our Space Marine 2 class tier list for Operations (PvE) and Eternal War (PvP).

Space Marine 2 Class Tier List

Best Classes for PvE (Operations)

S Assault, Bulwark
A Tactical
B Vanguard
C Sniper, Heavy

Best Classes for PvP (Eternal War)

S Bulwark, Heavy
A Sniper
B Tactical, Assault
C Vanguard

Our Tiers Explained

  • S: The best class for the job
  • A: Very good versatility for most situations
  • B: Specific scenarios where performance is solid
  • C: Best to avoid unless particularly drawn to them

It’s important to note that since Space Marine 2 has just been released, these tiers may change as updates with nerfs or buffs to specific classes occur. Keep an eye out for updates to our rankings.

Best Classes in Space Marine 2 for PvE and PvP


Assault class Space Marine 2
Focus Entertainment

The Assault class is classic but requires some skill to master.

Equipped with a handy Jump Pack and lethal secondary/melee options, the Assault class offers significant power. This classic Space Marine acts like a jack-of-all-trades despite the absence of a primary weapon.

If you master combos, parries, and dodges, the Assault class can become a formidable contender.

Assault in PvE

Fighting Tyranids and players requires different strategies, and the Assault class shines in Operations through its melee prowess.

In PvE, your main foes are hordes, and having a strong melee weapon greatly enhances your survival. The Assault is quite agile, making it easy to dodge, parry, and dispatch enemies. With quick melee attacks, you become a powerful force in close encounters.

Ultimately, the Assault class excels in close combat, allowing quick escapes with your Jump Pack and enabling strong assaults against increasing enemy numbers.

Assault in PvP

In PvP, the tactics differ greatly from battling against PvE foes, but the Assault class still holds its own.

Like in Operations, the Assault can swiftly target unsuspecting Snipers or lower-health Bulwarks and Heavys using its Jump Pack. It’s worth noting that while it excels in melee combat, it lacks primary weaponry for ranged attacks.

To succeed in PvP, carefully consider your build, as you may not be the most powerful Marine on the battlefield.


Bulwark class Space Marine 2
Focus Entertainment

This class is among the most powerful in Space Marine 2.

The Bulwark focuses on melee damage, utilizing shields and a formidable sword (or hammer) for immense destruction. Mastering this class will enhance your combat effectiveness significantly.

Bulwark in PvE

Similar to the Assault, the Bulwark excels against hordes in PvE. While facing bosses can present challenges, it remains an S-tier choice in Operations due to its skills.

Restoring shields for yourself and teammates is invaluable in PvE. You and other melee-focused characters can rush into battle and, once overwhelmed, activate your skill to regain control, focusing on dodging and attacking.

While engaging close to enemies can feel risky, your heavy armor and weaponry make you resilient. Mastering combos and activating your skills strategically allows you to dominate the battlefield.

Bulwark in PvP

Melee combat poses risks in PvP, exposing you to Snipers and ranged threats. However, this risk does not diminish the Bulwark’s S-tier ranking in Eternal War.

By using your skill to support teammates or dive towards enemies, you can maintain your edge. The Bulwark’s powerful shield effectively deflects ranged damage, coupled with impressive melee strength, making you a nearly invincible combatant.


Heavy class Space Marine 2
Focus Entertainment

The Heavy class offers great looks but may not live up to expectations.

The Heavy class in Space Marine 2 shines in specific scenarios, but can struggle in others. With some adjustments, a Heavy Space Marine can excel, especially considering the effectiveness of their Iron Halo skill.

Heavy in PvE

Hordes and tough bosses present challenges in Operations mode for the Heavy class. However, facing tough enemies alongside swarming foes can be especially hard without melee weapons.

The absence of a melee weapon significantly hinders this class’s performance in PvE. When surrounded, the Heavy has limited options. While the Iron Halo skill provides ranged protection, it offers little assistance against Tyranids.

Heavy in PvP

In contrast, the Heavy class performs exceptionally well in PvP, sitting firmly at S-tier for its effectiveness in that mode.

Focusing on ranged attacks, the Heavy can maintain distance and utilize their Iron Halo for team protection, making it a potent DPS/support class. While melee combat can be necessary, the Heavy class excels when maintaining distance from opposition.


Sniper class Space Marine 2
Focus Entertainment

Snipers excel in PvP but struggle in Operations mode.

The Sniper class, similar to the Heavy, thrives in PvP but falters in Operations due to their vulnerability against enemy hordes.

Sniper in PvE

Imagine a Space Marine with limited melee capabilities and a long-range weapon facing hordes of enemies. It’s unlikely to end well, contributing to the Sniper’s C-tier ranking in PvE.

While effective against single powerful foes, you’ll likely find yourself fleeing or falling victim when a horde approaches.

Sniper in PvP

In PvP, the Sniper shines. With six players on the battlefield and infrequent swarming, this class performs exceptionally well. Dealing significant damage from afar and utilizing a secondary weapon for close encounters enhances your versatility.

The Sniper can rely on stealth for positioning and delivering effective attacks from a distance, preserving themselves from melee conflict, leading to fewer respawns.


Tactical class Space Marine 2
Focus Entertainment

This class is popular but not always the best option.

Each class in Space Marine 2 has its own specialization, while the Tactical class thrives on its flexibility to adapt to various needs.

This damage-dealing support class is versatile, capable of detecting hidden enemies and exposing weak points, performing effectively in diverse scenarios.

Tactical in PvE

With a strong primary weapon and secondary option, the Tactical class is effective in Operations. Whether fending off hordes or facing bosses, it can adapt to the battlefield.

Tactical in PvP

In PvP, while still useful, the Tactical class may struggle due to its master-of-none approach. Engaging with melee-focused opponents can pose significant challenges.


Vanguard class Space Marine 2
Focus Entertainment

The Vanguard class is fun to play but may not be the best option.

Focusing on stealth, melee, and typical rogue skills, the Vanguard doesn’t quite perform as a strong contender in either PvE or PvP.

Vanguard in PvE

The Vanguard can be effective in PvE with strong weapons, yet the low armor limits their survivability.

Vanguard in PvP

In PvP, the Vanguard can gather damage on weakened enemies but relies heavily on conditions favoring them, making it less versatile compared to Assault or Tactical classes.

That concludes our thorough tier list for the best classes in Space Marine 2.

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