Star Wars Outlaws: Complete Guide to Finding Shipjacker Workshop Treasure

Star Wars Outlaws features a plethora of quests, including an exciting treasure hunt known as the Shipjacker Workshop Treasure Quest.

The treasure chests are located at three key sites: Shipjacker Workshop, Smuggler Cache, and Shaska’s Hold. Among these, the Shipjacker Workshop Treasure is one of the most challenging to acquire.

1. How to Access the Shipjacker’s Workshop?

Steps to acquire the Shipjacker’s treasure:

  1. Begin at the northern side of the workshop, avoid the scouts, and journey west.
  2. Climb the ledges and navigate the narrow passage to find the secret entrance.
  3. Enter the passage and maneuver around crates, hiding from the patrolling guards.
  4. Eliminate the guard and the welder, then head east.
  5. Distract and neutralize the three guards in that area.
  6. Use the ladder and direct Nix to move a crate attached to a zipline; climb aboard.
  7. Upon landing, take down the guards and locate the first chest.
  8. Proceed to the right and enter a yellow door to find the second chest.
Map of the Location
Map of the Location | Source: In-game screenshot

The most effective way to infiltrate the Shipjacker’s Workshop is via the secret entranceway in the western mountains, allowing you to remain undetected.

Start on the northern side where two scouts are patrolling; either sneak past them or eliminate them before making your way to the western mountain face.

Look for climbable boulders, ascend to the top, and traverse the ledges to find a narrow pathway that may initially look like a dead end.

Use Grappling hook
Use Grappling Hook | Source: In-game screenshot

This pathway leads to a cave-like opening, which serves as the hidden entrance to the Shipjacker Workshop. As you enter, be cautious of the crates and guards.

Secret Workshop entranceway
Secret Workshop Entranceway | Source: In-game screenshot

Wait for a guard to approach the welder, then eliminate both. Utilize Nix to create a distraction for an effective takedown. Your infiltration has been successful.

2. Retrieving the Chests

After neutralizing the guard and welder, you must deal with additional guards to safely reach the treasure. Move east to find a slope with three guards positioned there.

Employ distraction techniques, such as whistling, and eliminate them carefully to avoid raising alarms. Utilize the green grass for cover and time your attacks to take out the patrol effectively.

Take out the patrolling guards
Take Out the Patrolling Guards | Source: In-game screenshot

Venture deeper into the workshop, where more guards are busy with crates; use a stun shot to take one out and hide the body. Wait for the next guard and take him out too, then return to the original entry point.

This area is where you encountered the welder. Proceed west, ascend the stairs, and enter a tunnel. Again, guards will be using crates for cover; use whistling to lure them before dealing with them.

Use Nix to get on the crate
Use Nix to Get on the Crate | Source: In-game screenshot

This will lead you to the crate on the zipline. Command Nix to activate the crate, and ride it to the landing area. Once you land, use your stun shot on the guard in your vicinity.

In the center of the clearing, you’ll see a large device. Around it lies the first chest containing the Shipjacker’s treasure.

Location of the Chest
Location of the Chest | Source: In-game screenshot

With two guards remaining, employ Nix to help you take them out swiftly. You’re close to achieving your goal. Once all guards in the workshop are dispatched, you can move freely.

Head north from the center of the landing pad to the yellow doorway. Inside, you’ll find a room with a table where the final chest awaits beside it.

3. Overview of Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws is an upcoming action-adventure game from Massive Entertainment, published by Ubisoft under the Lucasfilm Games license. Set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, this single-player, third-person action-adventure game features an expansive open world, encompassing stealth and open combat, vehicle and space combat, along with branching dialogue options.

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