Stephen Chow invited Song Kanghao to join the new film “Shaolin Women’s Football” and praised the actor for his excellent acting skills and “can play the role of a female player”! Net: “We want to change the name of girls’ women’s football team, and transvestites play football” XD

(Cover image source: IG@stephenchow)

Hong Kong movie star Stephen Chow shared a photo with Korean movie star Song Kanghao through his personal IG today. He invited Song to play the role of a referee (referee) in the new film “Shaolin Women’s Football”. Unexpectedly, Song Kanghao counterattacked and asked: Why not play a player? XD

Stephen Chow posted two photos with Song Kanghao on IG PO, praising him as a “god-level actor”, and also mentioned that the two had collaborated on the movie “The King of Mao”. This 2000 Korean comedy starring Song Kang-ho and Stephen Chow dubbing the Hong Kong version was also Stephen Chow’s only dubbing for a foreign film.

(Photo source: IG@stephenchow)

Stephen Chow left a message saying, “I heard that Mrs. Song liked “Shaolin Soccer”very much, so my younger brother took advantage of the situation and invited Mr. Song to participate in the role of the football player in “Shaolin Women’s Soccer”. Mr. Song asked why he was not a player? With his acting skills, it is not difficult to play the role of a women’s football team! I was impressed., I suddenly understood.”These two artists have great sense of humor, which makes people look forward to their collaboration XD

(Photo source: IG@stephenchow)

As soon as the group photo came out, it immediately attracted a large number of netizens to leave comments and like: “The combination of powerful forces, two blockbusters!””The combination of actor Xingye and Song Kanghao is really the most dreamy collaboration I have ever seen.””Zhao Wei was also able to kick off the game back then, and Song Kanghao was also No problem!””Who said female football players must be actresses?””We’ll let him play the role of a player in the third film~~~”Shemale Plays Football”””Mr. Song pretends to be a woman and regains the “flower-like”feeling of the past. Ah””Maybe I need to change my name to Girls’ Football Team”XD

In addition, Stephen Chow announced the filming of his new film “Shaolin Soccer”four years after “The New King of Comedy”and is recruiting actresses from all over the world. Many fans are looking forward to the sequel to “Shaolin Soccer”which has finally started filming after 22 years.

Song Kang-ho’s “The Masterpiece of Deception: Spider’s Nest New Universe”has just been released this summer, and his first starring TV series “Uncle Sam-sik”in 32 years since his debut is currently being filmed.

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