Steps to Easily Undo a TikTok Repost

Many TikTok users have encountered the issue of accidentally clicking the ‘Repost’ button on a video. So, how can you delete a repost on TikTok?

Every day, thousands of videos are uploaded to TikTok, and millions of users are actively engaging with the wide variety of content available on the platform.

A feature that has gained considerable popularity on the TikTok app is the ‘Repost’ function, allowing users to share clips created by others. This reposting feature helps make videos visible on your friends’ For You Pages (FYPs) and also showcases them on a unique section of your profile.

However, due to the button’s proximity to other options in the sharing menu, there’s a chance you might inadvertently repost a video. Additionally, you may simply change your mind after reposting. Fortunately, removing a repost is quite straightforward once you know the steps.

How do you undo a repost on TikTok?

If you have a change of heart regarding something you reposted on TikTok, undoing it is as easy as the reposting process itself. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the video that you reposted.
  2. Tap on the share menu located on the right side of the video (the button that resembles an arrow).
  3. Select the ‘Remove repost’ option.
  4. Confirm the removal of the repost when the pop-up notification appears.
How to undo a repost on TikTok

It’s a simple process to undo a repost on TikTok.

This makes it incredibly easy to change your mind about a repost, but keep in mind that the longer you wait after reposting, the greater the likelihood that others will have already seen it.

How do I keep accidentally reposting on TikTok?

Many TikTok users are curious why accidental reposts frequently occur. While there isn’t a universal answer, the consensus is that the repost button is situated very close to the ‘copy link’ button and other sharing options.

This proximity can lead to accidental clicks, causing users to inadvertently select the repost button instead of another sharing option.

If you would like to learn more about effectively using TikTok, check out our additional guides, including how to Stitch on TikTok and how to find contacts on TikTok.


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