Still Wakes the Deep Review: A Masterpiece of Lovecraftian Horror

Still Wakes the Deep, the latest horror game from The Chinese Room, is a masterpiece of terrifying storytelling.

The Chinese Room, a well-known game development company responsible for games such as Dear Esther and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, aimed to create a spine-chilling adventure with Still Wakes the Deep, and have succeeded in crafting a brilliant tale inspired by the eerie world of Lovecraftian sea creatures.

As someone who has been a devoted fan of horror since a young age, I have always enjoyed watching spooky films and playing games like Phasmophobia. The genre has been a significant aspect of my media consumption, so I was thrilled for the chance to explore this new title.

Set just off the coast of Scotland during Christmas, 1975, Still Wakes the Deep follows the story of Cameron “Caz” McLeary, who is about to experience the worst day of his life.

Caz’s tale begins with a touch of intrigue, but at his core, he is simply a man trying to make it through each day in order to return to his loved ones. When he unexpectedly loses his job (the reason of which remains unknown), tragedy strikes – but it is no ordinary explosion.

Key Details

  • Price: 34.99 USD/29.99 GBP
  • Developer: The Chinese Room
  • Release Date: June 18, 2024
  • Platforms: PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S

Despite being before the horror begins, living on the Beira D oil rig in Still Wakes the Deep is a constant state of discomfort. Each movement is fraught with the possibility of danger, as the reactions and sounds of everything around you are unpredictable.

Beira D in Still Wakes the Deep
The Chinese Room

The Beira D serves as the setting for Still Wakes the Deep.

A brief tutorial unfolds at the beginning as you frantically attempt to reach someone who can provide answers. Meanwhile, a creature coils itself around the only stable surface as you navigate from one shattered walkway to the next, trying to maintain your balance.

The Chinese Room has truly mastered the art of sound design, which is crucial in creating a successful horror piece. The eerie creaking of metal and sudden explosions from a dismantled rig constantly kept me on edge, while the haunting singsong-screams of the creatures around me added to the feeling of fear and unease. Throughout the experience, there was never a moment where I felt completely safe.

While the oil rig continues to break apart, it remains the only thing Caz can cling to for a chance at escape. The burnt film markers in the corner of the screen served as my only solace, showing where the creatures were and yet still posing a threat of driving me into a state of psychosis.

Love-crafting Characters that Stay with You

Despite its suddenness, Still Wakes the Deep draws you in with its unexpected story – and I couldn’t help but develop an affection for the endearing characters who are determined to guide you through this nightmare.

Roy in Still Wakes the Deep
The Chinese Room

The characters are well-written and will stay with you.

The cabins are decorated with thoughtfully arranged objects, giving a glimpse into the daily lives of those around you. During the brief moment of tranquility at the start of the game, you have the opportunity to converse with some of them. It was impossible for me not to wish for their well-being when chaos erupted.

Moreover, the game prominently incorporates Scottish dialect and Gaelic, providing a refreshing experience that adds to the authenticity of the characters, making it seem as though they were taken directly from a true story.

Caz’s personality is exposed through his frantic responses to the bizarre tasks he must complete in order to break free. I found one particular feature to be particularly effective in bridging the gap between reality and the supernatural – the constant struggle to stay warm by locating heaters before progressing to the next level.

These small details not only enhanced the authenticity of these characters but also fully immersed the reader in the experience of being in the middle of the North Sea.

Despite his constant talking to himself in secret, it did elicit a frustrated response from me as I urged him to be quiet, but it also added depth to his character. Like Caz, I would also be questioning “What the f*ck?”in disbelief if I were in his position.

Creating a Masterful Horror Experience

In Still Wakes the Deep, you are provided with only a torch and a screwdriver to defend yourself against the creatures that are tearing apart everything and everyone around you.

Fire in Still Wakes the Deep
The Chinese Room

Everything around you is breaking in Still Wakes the Deep.

I was aware of this before I began playing, and initially, I was worried that the game might become monotonous with each situation having a similar solution.

Caz’s main priority is not combat in this situation. Instead, he must navigate through creatures and the dilapidated rig via vents and urgently repair broken parts in order to keep it functioning until help arrives.

Despite the presence of stealth sections, the game effectively captures the essence of Lovecraftian horror through its atmosphere. The unpredictable nature of the story kept me constantly on edge throughout the six-hour journey, adding to the overall sense of incomprehensible terror.

During various moments throughout the game, I grew familiar with specific hiding spots where I was confident that the pursuing creatures could not reach me. However, to my dismay, those locations eventually became perilous, adding further uncertainty to an already questionable environment.

The sequential structure of Still Wakes the Deep ensured that the puzzles in between encounters were challenging enough to keep me engaged, yet not so difficult that I became frustrated. However, the unfamiliar layout of each area on the rig intensified the sense of panic, often leaving me uncertain of where to go and thrusting me into Caz’s state of terror.

Monster in Still Wakes the Deep
The Chinese Room

Creatures start taking over the rig everywhere you look.

Despite your fear, Still Wakes the Deep compels you to confront it head on. As someone who is afraid of heights, I quickly learned this lesson. I was forced to carefully navigate a shaky bridge and dive into deep waters in order to progress, which conjured up frightening scenarios in my imagination.

The game effectively incorporates Quick-Time Events to create a sense of urgency, without feeling like they were haphazardly added as a solution for uncertain game design. The events are logical, induce stress, and provide a satisfying feeling when completed successfully.

The verdict – 5/5

A triumphant addition to the horror genre, Still Wakes the Deep only has the usual one or two bugs that one would expect to find in any game, but overall, I can’t find much to criticize about it.

The horror genre frequently relies on the tired cliché of “humans being the true villains,”but I am delighted to say that the conclusion of Still Wakes the Deep will stay with me for a significant amount of time.

The gameplay may be straightforward, but the developers’ emphasis on the game’s narrative ensures that any added complexity would have taken away from the intended experience – an intricately designed atmosphere and storyline in the horror genre.

The love that was poured into the creation of Still Wakes the Deep is evident throughout the game, making it a must-play for horror enthusiasts.

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