“Stop Categorizing Shonen as a Genre” – Mob Psycho 100 Fans Mocked by Anime Community for Controversial “Anti-Shonen” Statement

Mob Psycho 100 is an outstanding anime and manga series created by ONE, who is also known for the popular series One Punch Man. This series gained significant attention primarily due to the profound themes it explores throughout its storyline. The protagonist, Shigeo, encounters various relatable struggles in his daily life.

The character development and the dynamic interactions within the series are incredibly engaging. However, the fanbase has faced criticism regarding certain comments made on X. Many in the anime and manga community have pointed out the flaws in the fanbase’s perception and their views.

Recently, fans inaccurately labeled Mob Psycho 100 as “anti-Shonen,” which sparked confusion and backlash. The animanga community responded sharply, challenging the idea by asserting, “stop using shonen as a genre,” highlighting the misunderstanding of the term.

Why did the animanga community criticize the Mob Psycho 100 fanbase for referring to the series as “anti-Shonen”?

The term “anti-Shonen” used by the fanbase is a misrepresentation. It’s essential to understand that Shonen is not a genre but rather a demographic aimed primarily at young male readers. The Japanese term Shonen translates to “young boy,” categorizing certain manga intended for this audience.

Typical characteristics of a Shonen series include straightforward plots, protagonists who face and overcome challenges, action-packed sequences, and memorable moments. While Mob Psycho 100 exhibits some of these traits, it doesn’t strictly fit within this specific category.

Consequently, labeling the series as “anti-Shonen” lacks logical grounding, prompting the community to call out such statements. The reaction from community members was intense yet warranted.

How did the anime and manga community respond to the comment regarding Mob Psycho 100?

“Literally what does that even mean,”commented one fan.

“When did we start acting like shonen is a genre when it’s not? It’s a demographic. Mob isn’t anti shonen, it’s literally a shonen,”remarked another.

“Because people are misinformed. Like legitimately misinformed,”stated one netizen.

The community has made it clear that such statements lack validity and logical reasoning. Additionally, netizens have taken the time to explain the correct meaning of “Shonen,”emphasizing that it refers to a demographic rather than a genre.

“I’m concerned about this new generation of anime fans. Their takes are questionable. I saw a YouTube video recently arguing that FMAB was an underrated anime…”said one fan.

“Cringe,”commented another.

“People really out here just saying stuff that makes no sense,”noted one netizen.

The community has expressed concerns about the new wave of fans who may lack a deep understanding of the medium yet hold strong opinions. Many netizens hope for more informed discussions from Mob Psycho 100 fans in the future.

Stay tuned for more updates in the anime and manga world as 2024 unfolds.

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