Strange Overwatch 2 Glitch Weakens Lifeweaver More Than Ever

Overwatch 2’s support hero, Lifeweaver, is currently experiencing severe weaknesses due to a strange bug affecting his primary weapon’s ammunition count.

Blizzard’s Overwatch 2 is an expansive game featuring over 20 distinct heroes, each equipped with unique abilities and interactions, multiple game modes, and a vast array of maps. Therefore, it’s not unusual for bugs to emerge from time to time.

Most of these bugs are relatively minor, often being visual glitches or miscellaneous errors that have a limited impact on gameplay and players. However, certain bugs can create game-breaking problems, leading to the temporary disabling of heroes.

A newly identified bug has come to the attention of Overwatch 2 players, putting Lifeweaver, one of the weakest support characters, in an even more disadvantageous situation.

Lifeweaver Damage Bug by u/TypicalWatch in Overwatch

Players have uncovered that Lifeweaver’s secondary fire option, Thorn Volley, is misleading. The weapon indicates it has a capacity of 100 ammo, with each shot inflicting 6 damage. However, testing against a 600-health Roadhog revealed otherwise. In theory, if Roadhog receives no healing, Lifeweaver should be able to eliminate him after depleting his entire magazine.

Yet, the results showed that Roadhog survives with just a sliver of health. Following further investigation, players believe that Lifeweaver actually has only 99 ammo, rather than the advertised 100. Since Lifeweaver fires 2 bullets at a time, each doing 6 damage, this totals 12 damage per shot.

As noted by one player, the final bullet in Lifeweaver’s magazine fails to fire, causing the last 2 rounds to only inflict 6 damage instead of the expected 12.

In response, players have petitioned the developers to address and rectify this bug. While the 6 damage discrepancy may seem minor in gameplay, the hidden nature of this issue necessitates vigilance to avoid similar problems with other heroes.

Adding to the woes, Lifeweaver’s performance in the current meta is not encouraging. Overwatch 2 statistics website Overbuff reports his win rate at a dismal 46.67%, the lowest among all support characters.


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