Streamer Asmongold criticizes Twitch for double standards following Destiny’s unsuccessful ban appeal

Asmongold has strongly denounced Twitch for their inconsistency in the reasons for banning streamers. Specifically, he has accused the platform of taking sides after Destiny’s ban appeal was denied.

In 2022, Destiny was banned from Twitch and has been prohibited from using the platform ever since. The streamer stated that Twitch cited a violation of their Hateful Conduct rules in their Community Guidelines as the reason for the ban.

Despite this, he has frequently stated that he was never informed of the specific actions or words that led to his suspension. However, he had previously been banned multiple times for similar reasons, including “inciting violence.”

On June 14, Destiny announced on his Twitter/X account that his appeal to have his Twitch ban lifted was unsuccessful. He stated that his account would remain suspended for violating the same guidelines.

Asmongold, a top Twitch streamer, has been made aware of the announcement and has responded by releasing a lengthy YouTube video in support of Destiny while also addressing the streaming platform’s actions.

“I wholeheartedly stand behind him, without any reservations. However, until Twitch or he clarifies the reasoning behind his suspension in a logical manner, I cannot fully understand the situation.”

“Hey man, have you seen the situation with that girl trying to raise the bounty and then claiming it was just a joke? Yeah, it might be a joke, but what if someone takes it seriously? And then there’s that guy advocating for killing Destiny and that girl using racial slurs. I don’t understand why these individuals are allowed on the platform while Destiny is not.”

“I have no issue with keeping them here, but if you also want to bring him back, then that’s okay too. I believe in free speech and having everyone on the platform, but it’s important to not take sides.”

The time recorded was 5:45.

At 7:15, Asmongold expressed his belief that allowing only certain types of something while excluding others would result in anger from many people. He also believes that this approach would ultimately harm the cause in the long term.

“People will perceive you as a liar, someone who holds double standards and acts unfairly, which will lead to them disliking you. And to be honest, they have every right to feel that way.”

Despite the recent unbanning of other streamers, like Sneako, after serving long-term suspensions, Twitch has made it clear that they have made their decision on Destiny’s return.

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