Street Fighter 6 Dhalsim complete combo guide – BnB, Drive, Punish Counters, and more

Dhalsim, master of fire-breathing and yoga, is one of Street Fighter 6’s oldest characters. Often referred to as just “Sim,”he’s a clever, tricky opponent to deal with. What started as fire breathing and stretchy limbs, now he can teleport and set up various traps. He’s not a character that’s beginner friendly, but that doesn’t change how fun he is to play.

This combo guide is a work in progress for Street Fighter 6. As the game’s life goes on, we’ll update Dhalsim’s combos as more tech is found. Though Sim is hard to play, his tools offer all the sneaky tactics a player could ask for.

Dhalsim combo guide for Street Fighter 6

1) Basic/BnB combos for Dhalsim in Street Fighter 6


Courtesy of MIR and VesperArcade, here are some Sim combos. Dhalsim’s Thrust Kick is a solid opener; in this case, you chain it to a crouching Light Punch. If you’ve got the meter, just follow up with that EX Yoga Fire, and put them in their place. He’s a particularly tricky character to deal with.

c.MP XX HCB.PP > Medium Level 1 Super

I’m a big fan of this iteration of Yoga Flame. The Half Circle Back isn’t that hard to hit. Just cancel the crouching Medium into EX Yoga Flame, then hit the Medium Level 1 Super. If you use the Light version, you want to be a little farther back for it to hit.

DB.MK XX HCB.PP > HK XX H Level 1 Super

Dhalsim’s downback Medium kick is a solid way to start many Street Fighter 6 combos. The EX Yoga Flame comes next. Cancel a Heavy Kick into the Heavy Level 1 Super to sear someone in mid-air with a gout of powerful flames. His Level 1 super is incredibly flexible, making it a fantastic move for the Yoga Master.

2) Modern combos for Street Fighter 6’s Dhalsim

Forward.Special > Medium > Heavy

OneStep shows off some awesome combos for this difficult-to-master character in Street Fighter 6. The best part of this combo is you can do it from a serious distance. Before the fireball hits, pop them with the full-screen medium and heavy for an easy ranged combo.

Forward.Special > Down.Medium > DB.Heavy > Back.Special

Another fun fireball setup, you can do it with a series of kicks too. Dhalsim’s a complex character, so you want to have very frustrating setups. You want the sliding medium to hit before the fireball, so it creates a no-win situation for your opponent.

3) Drive Impact/Drive Rush combos for Dhalsim in Street Fighter 6

DI > DB.HP XX HCB.KK > Light Level 1 Super

While Dhalsim may not be the most powerful World Warrior in Street Fighter 6, he’s very satisfying to use in the corner. After the Drive Impact, a Downback Heavy keeps them in position to cancel into the powerful EX Yoga Blast. Then, the Light Level 1 Super wraps the combo up.

DI > DB.HP XX HCB.PP > HCB.KK > Medium Level 1 Super

A similar combo in the corner, but you go from Yoga Flame EX to Yoga Blast EX into a Medium Level 1 Super. It’s satisfying and is a good use of Drive Impact in SF6.


Another solid combo for Dhalsim, this time using Drive Rush. After a Light Punch into crouching Light, you cancel into another Light Punch. The back Medium command normal gets canceled into a Heavy Yoga Blast, making for solid damage.

4) Punish Counter, Whiff Punish, and Counter Hit combos


This combo begins with either a Light Punch or crouching Light Punch punish. It goes to the familiar back Medium, which you cancel into a Light Yoga Flare. It’s a simple way to get some damage on the board through Punish Counter.


If you can get a slide Punish Counter, you can hit the ol’ reliable Downback Heavy Kick and cancel into the Yoga Flame link. Plenty of Dhalsim’s combos use a similar cancel, so it will eventually become second nature.

Back.HK PC > LP > c.LP XX HCB.KK

Sim’s Back Heavy is a very powerful move on Punish. You then use one of the most common cancels in Street Fighter 6 – Light Punch, crouching Light Punch, cancel into special. In this case, it’s EX Yoga Blast.

This combo guide is a work in progress. As more Street Fighter 6 combos are discovered, we’ll update it with more tech. If you want to share your combos, contact me on Twitter with a video and notation.

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