Despite being popular shonen titles, both Boruto and Black Clover have been on a long-term hiatus for their anime adaptations. The return dates for these shows have not been announced, causing disappointment among their fanbases. The frustration was especially high as Black Clover’s anime ended just as it was entering the highly anticipated Spade Kingdom Raid arc.
Nevertheless, there has been a lot of discussion on the internet following a recent interview with Mr. Michiyuki Honma, the president of Studio Pierrot. In this interview, which was conducted not too long ago, the studio’s president shared some intriguing details about their production methods and future updates.
These comments could be interpreted as a clue, indicating the potential for Boruto and Black Clover to make a comeback as seasonal anime series.
Why Might Fans Believe Boruto and Black Clover Could Come Back as Seasonal Anime Series?
The president of Studio Pierrot publicly commended Demon Slayer, recognizing its revolutionary effect on the anime world. He emphasized the considerable impact of Ufotable’s work, specifically praising the animation quality and widespread appeal of the series among all age groups. He stated:
“I think Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba was a major turning point for the animation industry. A high quality work with an ample budget and a solid time commitment was broadcast and became a huge hit, and was watched by people of all ages. I really felt that we had to change the way things were made before and after ‘Demon Slayer’ was released.”
Mr. Honma’s statement following this was the focus of Boruto and Black Clover fans, who were thrilled and eagerly shared their excitement. In his input, Mr. Honma discussed a format that was new to his studio, which had previously been known for producing series such as Naruto and Bleach.
Despite its return in a seasonal format, the Bleach series was met with incredible success. Not only did it receive a great reception, but the animation quality also surpassed all previous standards. He remarked:
“I think it is definitely wonderful to produce one work for a long period of time, as Studio Pierrot has done in the past. At the same time, it entails great risks in terms of large budgets and time running costs. But I wonder if the same traditional way of making a film can compete with such a new way of making a film.”
He proceeded:
“We will probably lose our brand. I don’t want to lose. I want to be No. 1, and so does Pierrot. With this in mind, the entire company was committed to creating a new kind of animation when we created BLEACH: The Thousand Year Blood War Arc.”
Comment byu/Oatmeel97 from discussion inBlackClover
Mr. Michiyuki concluded his remarks on a thrilling note, particularly for followers of Bleach and Boruto. He confirmed that the company is currently undergoing significant transformations, including the exploration of fresh formats and artistic styles for their upcoming anime ventures.
Taking into consideration these statements, it is highly likely that both Boruto and the Black Clover series will be released in the seasonal anime format. He ended the interview by stating the following:
“I want people to pay attention to ‘Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai,’ which has been on air since April, because it’s a work created in a new style, and there are many series that are currently on hiatus, but I want people to pay attention to the new way of creating anime. Please look forward to the future of Pierrot, which is taking on the challenge of creating new animations.”
Comment byu/Oatmeel97 from discussion inBlackClover
Releasing the Boruto and Black Clover series in a seasonal anime format would greatly benefit both shows. This approach would enable the animators to work in shorter periods, resulting in high-quality production.
Moreover, there will no longer be a necessity for filler episodes, which was a significant issue for Masashi Kishimoto’s series. It will be intriguing to observe if the mentioned anime titles will make a comeback in a seasonal format.
Keep updated for further anime and manga updates as the year 2024 continues.
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