Suga’s Leave Should Be Canceled – Drunk Driving Controversy Expands to Allegations of Negligence in Duty

The controversy, which was first ignited by a DUI incident, has developed into accusations of him not fulfilling his responsibilities properly.

A post was published on an online community board on August 16th, reporting that a complaint was submitted to the Military Manpower Administration through the National Petition System. The complaint demanded a thorough investigation into Suga’s alleged negligence in duty. The complainant urged the administration to look into Suga’s responsibilities as the “group leader”at the Public Service Training Center, and whether he truly deserved the “commendation certificate”he received for his supposed exceptional work performance.

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The complaint stemmed from a report made by an individual, referred to as A, who alleged to have participated in basic training with Suga. A’s statement was published on the “Public Human”application, which is commonly used by public service employees. The account detailed their experience at the Public Service Training Center in Boeun County, North Chungcheong Province from November 20th to 24th of the previous year.

Despite being appointed as the group leader, Suga did not actively participate in the training sessions over the course of five days, according to A. A claimed that Suga would occasionally nod his head without fully understanding the instructions and then go back to using his phone before falling asleep. The instructor even hinted that Suga’s participation was lacking. As a result, his group had the lowest participation rate and Suga gave off the impression of being a disinterested troublemaker from the start of the school year.

After making these accusations, a formal complaint was filed in order to launch an investigation into Suga’s behavior while serving. In addition, A posted on “Public Human”once again, restating the claims and declaring, “If my statements were untrue, I would have already removed the post and disappeared. My concern is how Suga was aware of his entitlement to ‘special leave’ as the group leader, yet displayed such a lack of involvement, resulting in humiliation for the instructor.”

Following A’s revelations, a separate complaint was filed which asserted, “If the allegations made by the whistleblower are accurate, it is probable that Suga was granted five days of special leave from his service organization after receiving a commendation from the training center. If it is discovered that the commendation was obtained through illegal or unjust means, I strongly advocate for the immediate revocation of the special leave. Furthermore, if Suga has already utilized the special leave, I urge for it to be deducted from his annual leave.”The Military Manpower Administration has not yet released a response regarding these complaints.


On the evening of August 6th, Suga was apprehended by police while riding an electric scooter near his residence in Hannam-dong, Yongsan District, Seoul. His blood alcohol level was recorded at 0.227%, which exceeds the legal limit for license revocation at 0.08%. The incident has triggered a wave of backlash, with some even demanding Suga’s departure from the group.

Despite the ongoing investigation and Suga’s current role as a public service worker, KBS has not made a final decision on whether to impose a broadcast ban on him. The network has stated that they will convene a Broadcast Review Committee to discuss the matter at a later time. A representative from KBS informed Star News that Suga is not involved in any programs at the moment due to his alternative military duty, and they will await the results of the police investigation before taking any action.

It is anticipated that Suga will be summoned by the police for questioning in the near future.

The source of this information can be found on Daum’s website at

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