Suho Criticized for Speaking Out on CBX, SM Dispute — Eris Defend Idol

Following Suho’s statement about EXO-CBX’s dispute with SM Entertainment, he received criticism from some individuals. However, Eris have since come to the idol’s defense.

On June 17, Suho, who had just completed his comeback interview, chose to discuss the ongoing dispute between CBX (Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin) and SM. He also touched upon the group’s supposed winter comeback, their previous conflicts, and his role as the leader.

EXO Suho
EXO Suho

Despite Suho’s emphasis on prioritizing fans and reassuring them that the group’s comeback will not be affected by the ongoing lawsuit, his statement was not well-received by some CBX supporters.

The trio’s fans were particularly upset with Suho for supposedly portraying himself as the victim and indirectly placing blame on his fellow members.

Despite receiving coverage from various media outlets, Suho’s interview sparked controversy due to a particular statement where he seemed to question why EXO-related issues always arose during his solo activities.

The Korean idol, Eris, conveyed their anger within quotation marks, indicating that it was their direct words.

“It was the same when I was doing a musical last year. Amid my musical before, there was a member’s wedding announcement, I thought, ‘Why do you only do this when I’m active?’

But I was working 365 days a year. In a way, I think I’m always given this position since I am the leader.”

After things had settled down, Chen’s fans expressed their disappointment that he chose to revive the issue. Similarly, supporters of CBX believed that it would have been wiser for him to avoid the topic and refrain from commenting on the controversy, especially since he was not directly involved in it.

Eris presented various pieces of evidence and official articles from Naver, demonstrating that the aforementioned statement did not originate from Suho, but rather was a result of the journalists’ editing and point of view.

They countered the claim that the statements above were accurate, citing that they originated from a blog post. While anyone with a Naver account can publish a blog, it cannot be deemed trustworthy as it has not undergone official proofreading by K-media, who was present during the interview.

Eris expressed their disapproval of solo stans attempting to divide the fandom during a crucial time when it is important for them to remain united and show support for all nine members.

Additionally, fans expressed their support for Suho by leaving cheering messages, assuring him that they stood by his side.

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