Super Junior Heechul’s Test Results for Adult ADHD Revealed

Heechul from Super Junior revealed the steps he took to determine if he had ADHD or not.

During the May 19 broadcast of SBS’ “My Little Old Boy,”Eun Jiwon, Kim Jongmin, and Kim Heechul, the main cast, paid a visit to the psychological center to undergo testing for adult ADHD.

Upon beginning the study, the participants were required to complete a basic psychological assessment consisting of 9 questions. A score of 5 or higher on the assessment would indicate a potential case of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but it is not considered a definitive diagnosis at this stage.

Super Junior Heechul Get Tested for Adult ADHD — What Is the Result?
Kim Heechul | My Little Old Boy

After receiving a score of 8 out of 9 on the exam, Heechul’s answer raised concerns about ADHD. Upon hearing this, the psychological counselor announced plans to conduct further tests and consider different perspectives.

During the joint drawing test, the members started their test and the idol caught everyone’s attention when he complained.

“I don’t want to draw because it will ruin the picture.”

Despite the rule of not speaking during the test, he continuously allowed himself to be distracted by his phone.

Super Junior Heechul Get Tested for Adult ADHD — What Is the Result?
(Photo: Heechul (News1))

After observing this, the counselor made a comment about Heechul’s behavior, stating:

“He kept talking constantly. His scores were almost perfect for shaking his legs, feeling sleepy, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.

He has severe mood swings. He’s not in a high-level situation, but he’s a little alarmist. His emotions are always on the rise and he’s a bit always angry.

He seems to do a lot of explosive behavior and he’s very sensitive to social issues. He can’t stand injustice.”

Kim Heechul expressed his sympathy, stating:

“I get very angry when negative articles appear.”

Despite undergoing an ADHD test, Heechul was determined to be within the normal range of results.

Super Junior Heechul Get Tested for Adult ADHD — What Is the Result?
(Photo: Heechul (News1))

The counselor praised Heechul’s exceptional intelligence. Despite initially showing behavior patterns that raised concerns of ADHD, Heechul’s test results revealed normalcy, thanks to his strong intellect and impressive self-discipline.

The counselor elaborated:

“Everything came out normal. It seems like you have a very good mind. I guess you didn’t study because you just didn’t want to study. ADHD results and intelligence are also very closely related. If you have good intelligence, these things can be controlled. The behavior pattern is a hyperactive behavior type. It can come out normal, but I think the reason it came out normal is because of your inherent intelligence or excellent control ability.”

Despite this, Heechul revealed that he briefly sold his car due to his attention deficit, as he feared the possibility of getting into an accident while driving.

The Super Junior members would often express their concern whenever he drove, often swearing at him, which ultimately influenced his decision.

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